Personal Qualities For Secondary School Certificate and Profile
Personal Qualities The following are 8 personal qualities common for all secondary schools. Another 2 personal qualities are chosen by the college Every student will be assessed on up to 5 of these personal qualities per year.
The 8 common Personal Qualities The following slides offer some guidelines to explain each personal quality. These guidelines may be used to reduce subjectivity while assessing.
1.Leadership Influences others Guides others towards a goal Takes important initiatives Encourages others to take initiatives
2.Entrepreneurship Takes calculated risks Is creative and innovative Further information can be found in the document Descriptors of Key Competences in the National Qualifications Framework. It can be downloaded from: Descriptors of Key Competences in the National Qualifications Framework
3.Sense of respect Respects authority, peers and all other school personnel Empathizes with others
4.Adherence to regulations Observes school policies and rules Accepts correction when reprimanded
5.Altruism Is sensitive to the needs of others Places the good of others before one’s own Is generous in one’s attitudes and actions
6.Teamwork Works in collaboration with others Adheres to rules and plays different roles as necessary
7.Communicative skills Communicates effectively (speaking/listening; reading/writing) in different social contexts. Communicates non-verbally Further information can be found in the document Descriptors of Key Competences in the National Qualifications Framework. It can be downloaded from: Descriptors of Key Competences in the National Qualifications Framework
8.Sense of responsibility Fulfils duties as specified Is accountable to one’s action Is worthy of one’s trust Shows commitment in school work and activities