Sustainability Spring 2009 Class 13 Jeff Fletcher
Logistics Upcoming Deadlines –Today Individual Product Lifecycle Report –This Wednesday May 13 th Video Production Plan (1 per group) (Due date extended for Worldchanging: Business essay) –Next Monday May 18 th Portfolio Reflection Essay (1,500 words ~ 4-5 pages) Finish reading Worldchanging: Business –Next Wednesday May 20 th Worldchanging: Business essay –Following Monday is Memorial Day Holiday (May 25 th ) –Following Wednesday May 27 th Final Portfolio Due –Last week of class Product Lifecycle Videos Monday June 1 st All Extra Credit Due Monday June 1 st Extra Credit (ALL Due by June 1 st —no late papers) –Documented visits to writing center (up to 5 points) –Essay on a Lecture, Film, Show (up to 8 points) OR Attending and participating in the fieldtrip (up to 8 points) –In addition, attending fieldtrip can make up for up to 2 class or mentor absences IN THE PAST Missing Website names Guest Speaker: Dr. David Hall on Wednesday
Fieldtrip Saturday May 16th Fieldtrip May 16 th (10:00-4:30) –Meet 9:45 (leave by 10am sharp) Meeting location will be set on Wednesday I will check my office phone messages just before we leave on Saturday: –Zenger FarmZenger Farm –Columbia Gorge Scenic Area Visitors CenterColumbia Gorge Scenic Area Visitors Center Multnomah Falls –Horsetail Falls (Short) Hike (lunch)Horsetail Falls –Bonneville Dam (Powerhouse, Fish ladder viewing, fish hatchery)Bonneville Dam Can makeup up to 2 absences and up to 8 points of extra credit
The Debate Topic Affirmative: Local governments should be able to regulate land use on properties that affect their water quality (and for other environmental protections) without compensating land owners. Feedback –What worked; what didn’t? –Did it force you to think more carefully or deeply about the issue? What is critical thinking (in your own words)? –In pairs, come up with a 25 word or less definition. How is it different than opinions, beliefs, facts?
Community Holistic Problem Solving Education and Literacy Educating Girls and Empowering Women Public Health South-South Science Copyfight Urban Community Development Community Capital Microfinance Social Entrepreneurship Giving Well The Barefoot College Travel and Tourism Global Culture
Community UN Millennium Development Goals Harlem Child Zone Finnish School System (stopped here 5/11) MIT OpenCourseWare Moodle WorldCat Educating Girls and Empowering Women –Boys and Men in US? Public Health: Club 25 Swedish Sex Education