What is Genetic Engineering?
Lets look at the big picture:
DOLLY…born 1996 in Scotland, died in Feb of lung disease. It took 277 tries for Dolly to be born. Sheep have 54 chromosomes in every cell.
Examples of Cloning Definition: Creating an organism that is genetically identical to the parent.
More Examples……
To Clone or Not to Clone? That is the question. ADVANTAGESADVANTAGES Cloning for medical purposesCloning for medical purposes *Research on genetically identical mice (control and experimental group is the same) identical mice (control and experimental group is the same) Cloning for stem cellsCloning for stem cells *Organ cloning and transplants Quality and abundant food, plants and cattle Reproducing a deceased beloved pet. beloved pet.beloved pet. “Pharming” for drug and protein production. “Pharming” for drug and protein production. Reviving endangered or extinct species.Reviving endangered or extinct species. Click for pictures of endangered species. Click for pictures of endangered species.
THINGS TO CONSIDER Ethical issues are those that ask us to consider the potential moral outcomes of cloning technologies.Ethical issues are those that ask us to consider the potential moral outcomes of cloning technologies. Why some say humans should be cloned? To help infertile couples have children. To replace a deceased child. Legal issues require researchers and the public to help policymakers decide whether and how cloning technologies should be regulated by the government. Legal issues require researchers and the public to help policymakers decide whether and how cloning technologies should be regulated by the government. Social issues involve the impact of cloning technologies on society as a whole. Social issues involve the impact of cloning technologies on society as a whole.
CONCERNS Why Not? Cloning animals shows us what might happen if we try to clone humans. What have these animals taught us about the risks of cloning? 1. High failure rate *The enucleated egg and the transferred nucleus may not be compatible *An egg with a newly transferred nucleus may not begin to divide or develop properly *Implantation of the embryo into the surrogate mother might fail *The pregnancy itself might fail 2. Problems during later development *Large Offspring Syndrome" (LOS). Clones with LOS have abnormally large organs. This can lead to breathing and blood flow problems. *Short Life Span *Kidney or brain malformations and impaired immune systems
Lets Clone Mimi the Mouse!! Mice have 40 chromosomes in every somatic (body) cell Click on Mimi to clone!Click on Mimi to clone!
Farmers Raise Cloned Animals
Let’s See How It Started!