Utility Theory Investors maximize Expected Utility U = f(W) U(W) W Risk Averse Investor
Utility Theory (Cont’d) U(W) W W Risk Taker Risk Neutral
Utility Theory (Cont’d) Assume the following Utility function: U(w) = 2w w 2 where w represents change in Wealth. ProbStock A Stock B E(UA) = 19x x x0.30 = E(UB) = 64x x x0.30 = Choose A
Mean-Variance Criterion (1) Investors are risk averse (2) Returns are distributed normally, or investor Utility functions are quadratic An investor will prefer A to B if E(R A ) > E(R B ) and A B or E(R A ) E(R B ) and A < B
Return and Risk of a Portfolio Expected return of a portfolio: Variance of a portfolio: