Kyoto Interoperability Meeting, 16-20 Mai 2005  Started after tutorial at CDS in October 2004 (but first discussions in Pune, September 2004, thanks VO-France)


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Presentation transcript:

Kyoto Interoperability Meeting, Mai 2005  Started after tutorial at CDS in October 2004 (but first discussions in Pune, September 2004, thanks VO-France)  Composed of 14 people, 5 labs, 5 On-line data-bases: IMCCE, OBSPM, IAS, IPSL-CDAP, CEA-Cassini  Objective : planetology in VO (or VO in planetology !)  Includes bodies of the solar system, exoplanets, surfaces, atmospheres, rings, etc… Planetology in VO: Activities in France (and elsewhere ?) J. Berthier, P. Didelon, P.Le Sidaner, A. Sarkissian, J.-M. Desert, G. Poulleau, J.-L. Orcesi, L. Chevalier, J. Schneider, Vachier, Thuillot, Lainey, Arlot et al.

Kyoto Interoperability Meeting, Mai 2005  First discussions : Missing definitions of meta-data for dynamics and photometry for bodies of solar system Missing definitions of parameters commonly used in geophysics (planetary atmospheres, surface, sub-surface, etc…  First view : PDS (Planetary Data System) --> VO seems ok, but a lot of work needed (CNES, started, first version soon ) Space Time Coordinate Needs modifs in VO

Kyoto Interoperability Meeting, Mai 2005  VO-planeto activities: UCD : 13 to be submitted soon, 8 modifications

Kyoto Interoperability Meeting, Mai 2005 UCD for planetology : (x,y,z)Cartesian component of a vector obs.atm. Generalisation and extension of ‘obs.air’ to planetary atmospheres obs.(elongation,phaseAng)Solar elongation, phase angle, etc. pos.topo.(alt,dist,lat,lon) Coordinates relatives to the body; generalisation and extension of ‘’ pos.eop.Earth orientation parameters See from

Kyoto Interoperability Meeting, Mai 2005

 VO-planeto activities: UCD : 13 to be submitted soon, 8 modifications VO-table : Started, tutorial CDS, October 2004

Kyoto Interoperability Meeting, Mai 2005 VO Table for the CDAP Example with Ozone field Maps on Mars, simultions <VOTABLE version="1.1" xmlns:xsi=" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=" Mars Total Column Ozone Field <PARAM name="Model" datatype="char" ucd=";meta.simulation" unit="---" value="LMDZ Mars"/> <FIELD name=" lon " ID="col1" ucd="pos.body.lon;meta.main" ref="J2000" datatype="float" width="6" precision="2" unit="deg"/> <FIELD name=" lat " ID="col2" ";meta.main" ref="J2000" datatype="float" width="6" precision="2" unit="deg"/> <FIELD name="Name" ID="col3" ucd=";meta.main" datatype="char" arraysize="4*"/> <FIELD name="O3col" ID="col4" ucd="obs.atm;meta.modelled" datatype="float" width="5" unit="Dobson Unit"/> <FIELD name="e_O3col" ID="col5" ucd="stat.error;src.veloc.hc" datatype="int" width="3" unit="Dobson Unit"/> Ozone Total Column, modelled

Kyoto Interoperability Meeting, Mai 2005  VO-planeto activities: UCD : 13 to be submitted soon, 8 modifications VO-table : Started, tutorial CDS, October 2004 Data Model : next step, needs Tutorial (CDS)

Kyoto Interoperability Meeting, Mai 2005 Extension of Activities: Poster at EGU, Vienne, April authors, 14 labs, Institutions, etc.. 7 databases with online data + VO-France Links with Europlanet -European project, support data bases in planetology, -more than 50 scientists, -20 labs, 7 countries including F, UK, D, I, S Starting VO compatible applications Expected results, end of 2005