Open up your still frame image in photoshop. Create a copy of the Background copy.


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Presentation transcript:

Open up your still frame image in photoshop

Create a copy of the Background copy

After you make a copy of the layer go to Filter  Blur  Radial Blur

Make sure you have zoom selected.

Mess around with the amount you want to use. Also in the white box mess around with where You want your focal point to be.

Create a vector mask. Once this is created a white box will appear in the copy.

Select the brush tool and make sure the top color is black. Once you have those selected, paint over the subject to remove the blur where you don’t want blurring to happen.

If you blurred too much make sure you switch from black to white for color and then brush over the part of the picture you would like to fix.

Assignment: Find 10 still frame pictures. You will then add blur to each image. **Make sure you have the originals saved and the edited saved.