About Marriott Reservation Center Marriott Reservation Sales and Customer Care has approximately 1,100 associates. We have been in the Omaha community for over 35 years. Our associates represent a diverse population with a large percentage of women and single families.
An asset development program of United Way of the Midlands Family Housing Advisory Services Employer-Based Individual Development Accounts
Individual Development Accounts (IDA) IDAs are matched savings accounts for low- income families that typically are restricted to three uses*: 1) First-time homebuyers 2) Post-secondary education 3) Small business capitalization
(Briefly) About IDA Program The employee saves $50 a month for 24 months. The money they save was matched by Marriott money and by two grants (so they our associates in fact got $200/month for their $50 investment) Employees (and family members) participated in financial literacy training.
Marriott Reservation Center was a pilot employer in the Omaha area to participate in the Individual Development Account Program. We started in about 2004 and were the only for-profit organization in Omaha participating at first.
Marriott started with an investment of $10,000 in 2004 to sponsor 10 associates to purchase homes. Besides the monetary investment Marriott gave of their time to help get the news out about the program and Marriott allowed United Way and Family Housing to use space in our Center for the associates to meet.
Why we decided to participate in IDA Marriott Culture To increase employee retention and loyalty To lead the way in becoming an employer of choice.
We had 20 who applied for the program. We sponsored 10 originally. 3 left the company and their spot was backfilled 2 dropped out of the program. One slot was backfilled 7 have graduated and purchased a home 2 are still working toward their goal Our Successes
Was it worth the investment? Turnover in % Turnover in % (decrease of 22%) Marriott won #1 Best Place to Work in Omaha for Large Companies in 2008
Thank you!!