Nonverbal Communication
Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech, communication is composed of two dimensions - verbal and nonverbal
Nonverbal Communication Communication without words. It includes apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, and tone of voice, as well as less obvious messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people. Although verbal output can be turned off, nonverbal cannot. Even silence speaks.
Humans continue to use nonverbal communication for lots of reasons, including: Words have limitations: There are numerous areas where nonverbal communication is more effective than verbal (describing the shape of something, or providing quick direction, for instance). Nonverbal messages are likely to be more genuine: because nonverbal behaviors cannot be controlled as easily as spoken words. Social etiquette limits what can be said, but nonverbal cues can communicate thoughts. A separate communication channel is useful to help send complex messages: A speaker can add enormously to the complexity of the verbal message through simple nonverbal signals.
Some basic properties of language: Propositionality Language contains propositions that can be proven false Discreteness Words have discrete, agreed-upon meanings (e.g., dictionary definitions). Displacement Language can refer to things removed in time and space. Structure Language must adhere to grammatical rules.
Some basic properties of Nonverbal Communication (NVC): Universality Some forms of NVC are common everywhere. Simultaneity Several NV messages can occur at the same time. Spontaneity NVC can occur mindlessly and automatically. Iconicity NV signs may resemble the thing(s) they are referring to.
Body Language—What does it mean? The motion of the body conveys messages to the listener that the speaker may or may not realize. If an individual wants to communicate clearly, body language must coincide with spoken words. Body language may differ between cultures. Regardless of word choice, body language will communicate real thoughts and impressions.
Eye Contact Oculesics is the study of the role of eyes in nonverbal communication. This includes the study of eye gaze and pupil dilation. Studies have found that people use their eyes to indicate their interest and with more than the frequently recognized actions of winking and slight movement of the eyebrows.
Gestures A gesture is any action that sends a visual signal to an onlooker. From observing the speaker’s gestures, individuals can ascertain how the speaker is feeling. The waving of the hands and the pointing of the fingers are effective hand gestures. Ideally, gestures should only add to what is being said, not to be used as a distraction.
Facial Expressions The most observed group of gestures. Individuals express their thoughts with words and by expressions. The listener reads facial expression and gets a sense of what the speaker is feeling.
Presentation First impressions are very important - they can be about attitude as well as dress. Visual impact is at least as important as verbal impact, people will very quickly make assumptions based on your facial expressions, the clothes you wear, how well groomed you are and your body language.
Personal Space There are certain zones of personal space we allow based upon the relationship we have with the individual. Crossing the zone established can cause intense discomfort.