Warm-Up: Levels of an Ecosystem Label each descriptions as a population, community, or ecosystem. 1.Owls, mice, and grass all live in one area. 2.Owls, mice and grass all live in an area near a pond that receives lots of sunlight. 3.Eight owls all live in one area.
Animal Relationships & Adaptations
Niche =
Niche = organism’s role in an ecosystem
Relationships in an Ecosystem 3 types of relationships: predation competition symbiosis
Predation =
Predation = one organism is a food source for another organism Predator = hunter Prey = food
Competition =
Competition = struggle between organisms to survive in a habitat with limited resources
Competition limited resources = “Limiting Factors” Examples?
Competition largest population an environment can support = Carrying Capacity
Symbiosis =
Symbiosis = relationship between 2 organisms that benefits at least 1 of the organisms 3 types of symbiosis: mutualism commensalism parasitism
Mutualism = both organisms benefit
Commensalism = 1 organism benefits, other is not harmed
Parasitism = 1 organism benefits, other is harmed
Animal Adaptations 2 types: –Structural –Behavioral
Structural Adaptation = inherited physical characteristic Adaptation that an animal “HAS”
Structural Adaptation Escaping predators Examples?
Structural Adaptation Obtaining food Examples?
Structural Adaptation Reproducing Examples?
Behavioral Adaptation = inherited behavior Adaptation that an animal “DOES”
Behavioral Adaptation Camouflage = blending in with environment Examples?
Behavioral Adaptation Mimicry = acting like a different organism Examples?
Behavioral Adaptation Courtship = males & females of a species prepare for mating Examples?
Behavioral Adaptation Hibernation = greatly reduced body activity during winter Examples?
Behavioral Adaptation Migration = periodic journey of an animal from one place & back again Examples?
Instinct vs. Learning Instinct =
Instinct vs. Learning Instinct = behavior an animal can perform without being taught
Instinct vs. Learning Learning =
Instinct vs. Learning Learning = animal requires practice & experience to perform the behavior 4 types: conditioning trial-and-error insight imprinting
Conditioning = connecting a stimulus to a good or bad event
Trial-and-error = performing a behavior more skillfully with repeated practice
Insight = applying knowledge to solve a new problem
Imprinting = some newborn animals follow the first moving object they see