Chapter 11: Additional Topics Using Inferences 11.1 – Chi-Square: Tests of Independence 11.2 – Chi-Square: Goodness of Fit 11.3 – Testing a Single Variance.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 11: Additional Topics Using Inferences 11.1 – Chi-Square: Tests of Independence 11.2 – Chi-Square: Goodness of Fit 11.3 – Testing a Single Variance or Standard Deviation 11.4 – Inferences for Correlation and Regression

Focus Problem “Stone Age Tools and Archaeology” Read page 469 in text book – Yes, it may be used in a HW problem!

11.1 – Chi-Square: Tests of Independence Chi-Square: X 2 – Not a bell-shaped curve, – The mode (high point) of the distribution with n degrees of freedom occurs over (n-2) – We use this test to test the independence of 2 factors!!

Chi-Square Distribution H o : _______ and _______ are independent H 1 : _______ and _______ are NOT independent

Contingency Table

Expected Frequency

Guided Exercise #1 As whole group, turn to page 473 – Look-over answers – Whole group clarification

GE #1

Computing the Sample Test Statistic X 2

Guided Exercise #2 As whole group, turn to page 475 – Look-over answers – Whole group clarification

Degrees of Freedom d.f. = (R – 1)(C – 1) R = number of cell rows C = number of cell columns

Guided Exercise #3 As whole group, turn to page 476 – Look-over answers – Whole group clarification

Finding the P-Value for Tests of Independence Always Right Tailed Table in back

How to Test for Independence of Two Statistical Variables Same as before… 1.Null Hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, level of significance 2.X 2 3.P-value 4.Reject or not reject null hypothesis 5.Conclude using context.

Guided Exercise #4 As whole group, turn to page – Look-over answers – Whole group clarification

Show on Calculator

Checkpoint  Prescott will lose!

Homework Read Pages – Take notes on what we have not covered Do Problems – Page (1-10) ODD Check odds in back of book Read and preload 11.2 information – Notes/vocab