Open government and open data in Romania
Romania in OGP Romania adhered to the OGP Romania approved the first National Action Plan Prime Minister’s Office became the co-ordinator of OGP in Romania the second NAP is approved Romania is elected in the Steering Committee of the OGP
Government and Civil society A very good collaboration with civil society focused on changing the public administration culture 8 co-chaired training sessions covering the whole country Co-organizing 6 hackathons focused on the use of open data OGP Club is organized monthly to as a space of interaction on OGP subjects December a new ministry for civic dialogue and public consultation
Open data in Romania Open data portal - - was launched Over 300 data sets released Romania ranked 16th in Open Data Index Romania ranked 13th in Open Data Index
Few examples of data visualization
Healthcare open data Visualizing historical open data related with life expectancy, demographics and main cause of death
Healthcare open data Visualizing historical open data related with hospitals distribution and the number of hospital places
Geographical open data Visualizing “ghost cities” of Romania
Geographical open data Mapping the postal codes
Next January - February 2016: OGP Awards Romania Focused on applications and data visualizations based on open data from public procurement and health sector
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