LHCb Simulation Tutorial CERN, 21 st -22 nd February B 00 l e Detector Simulation Examples
Creating a DB slice From the LHCb twiki page : SetupProject LHCb setenv tagA head setenv tagB sim vc-md100 mkdir myDDDB-Tutorial-LHCb-Feb2012 dump_db_to_files.py -c sqlite_file:$SQLITEDBPATH/DDDB.db/DDDB -T $tagA -d myDDDB-Tutorial-LHCb-Feb2012 dump_db_to_files.py -c sqlite_file:$SQLITEDBPATH/SIMCOND.db/SIMCOND -T $tagB -d myDDDB-Tutorial-LHCb-Feb2012 For the tutorial Copy the subdirectories TutorialExample, LHCb, AfterMagnet from /afs/cern.ch/user/s/seaso/public/Det/Tutorial/myDDDB-Tutorial-LHCb-Feb2012 area 2 Simulation Tutorial - Feb. 2012
The new geometry element is part of a DB slice. Let us call this local Db slice : ‘myDDDB-Tutorial-LHCb-Feb2012’ Step1: Create a file ‘DetDb_Tutorial.py’ which has something like: from Configurables import LHCbApp, CondDB, UpdateManagerSvc,DDDBConf from Gaudi.Configuration import * lhcbApp = LHCbApp() DDDBConf().DbRoot = "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/seaso/scratch0/cmtuser/SQLDDDB/db/myDDDB-Tutorial- LHCb-Feb2012/lhcb.xml" CondDB().Tags['DDDB'] = 'HEAD' lhcbApp.DDDBtag = "head " lhcbApp.DataType = "2010" lhcbApp.Simulation = True LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "sim vc-md100" SetupProject Panoramix v20r2 python $mypanoramix --BareConfig 1 –f none -v DetDb_Tutorial.py Step2: Using Panoramix for Geometry Visualization 3 Simulation Tutorial - Feb. 2012
Step3: In the Panoramix window, click through the geometry tree dd Structure Geometry AfterMagnetRegion TutorialMaster lvTutorialMaster Demonstration from an lxplus window. Step 4: Use the info from Help Geometry to navigate into the volumes Simple Solids, Boolean subtracted Solid. Array of solids Using Panoramix for Geometry Visualization 4 Simulation Tutorial - Feb. 2012
More info related to running Panoramix and copying the XmlVis in backup slides Panoramix Demonstrations 5 Simulation Tutorial - Feb. 2012
Example Volumes : Three PixelContainers inside TutorialMaster Arrays of pixels inside each PixelContainer Demonstration using Panoramics More Examples 6 Simulation Tutorial - Feb. 2012
(1)Create a boolean subtracted Box, starting from the Tutorial example and visualize it in Panoramix. It can be a box with two cylindrical holes. Example shown here. Use the instructions in earlier slides To get the DB, before making modifications. The instructions for Running panoramix are also in earlier slides. An example solution is also provided in the database. Exercises 7 Simulation Tutorial - Feb. 2012
(2)In the example with Pixelcontainer, create pixels in a way which is symmetric around the beam axis. An example is shown here with pixels in the shape of r-phi geometry. Optional: Use this to run Gauss with particle gun and print (a) The location of where the tracks are incident on the PixelContainer. (b) The location of where the tracks are incident on the pixels. Use the instructions from backup slides to run Gauss. Exercises 8 Simulation Tutorial - Feb. 2012
BACKUP SLIDES 9 Simulation Tutorial - Feb. 2012
For the Tutorial, a DB slice is made where the RICH2 is temporarily kept aside. The space for that is used to create a TutorialMaster Volume within which we can create additional volumes in this tutorial. This can be copied to your area using instructions on page 2 Visualization attributes to volumes (colours, wire frames etc). / afs/cern.ch/user/s/seaso/public/Tutorial/XmlVis /xml/TutorialVisAtts.xml and TutorialLogVols.xml In this the attributes are set in these two files. setenvProject Panoramix v20r2 cd ~/cmtuser/Panoramix_v20r2 getpack Vis/XmlVis head copy the two files from the above mentioned area to your XmlVis /xml area. Optional: getpack Vis/Panoramix v20r2 run $mypanamix from the options area of this panoramix. DB Slice for Tutorial : Instructions for Panoramix 10 Simulation Tutorial - Feb. 2012
setenvGauss v41r1 cd ~/cmtuser/Gauss_v41r1 getpack Sim/Gauss v41r1 getpack Gen/LbPGuns Copy the package GaussTutorial to the Sim area. Compile the GaussTutorial Edit Gauss requirements to use this packge Copy the options files in /afs/cern.ch/user/s/seaso/public/Simulation/Tutorial/TutorialOptions copy the options file ParticleGun_rich2.py from /afs/cern.ch/user/s/seaso/public/Simulation/Tutorial/Gen/LbPGubs/options area. gaudirun.py Gauss-DB-Feb2012-Tutorial.py Gauss_Job_TutorialUserPackage.py Example running of Gauss 11 Simulation Tutorial - Feb. 2012
1: In the../myDDDB-Tutorial-LHCb-Feb-2012/TutorialExample cp geometry_exercise1.xml geometry.xml cp structre_basic.xml structure.xml SetupProject Panoramix v20r2 python $mypanoramix --BareConfig 1 –f none -v DetDb_Tutorial.py Exercise solutions 12 Simulation Tutorial - Feb : In the../myDDDB-Tutorial-LHCb-Feb2012/TutorialExample cp geometry_exercise2.xml geometry.xml Then run panoramix as above To run gauss use the instructions on the previous slide
Tutorial DB options Options for using volumes inside TutorialMaster geometry_setA.xml : basic geometry geometry_SetP.xml : few boolean solids geometry_SetCoinA.xml : array of coins geometry_SetPix.xml : PixelContainer geometry_Exercise1.xml, geometry_Exercise2.xml, geometry_Exercise3.xml : solutions to the exercises cp geometry_xxx.xml geometry.xml for the using the various setups structure_basic.xml : basic geometry, boolean solids, PixelContainer etc. With PixelContainer geometry: structure_GenericDetElem.xml : generic detector element structure_MasterSpDetElem.xml : customized detector element. structure_exercise3.xml : solution to exercise 3 cp structure_xxx.xml structure.xml to use the various options. 13 Simulation Tutorial - Feb. 2012