CONTACT INFORMATION If you need to contact us, we are always here to help. Our conference time is 8:50 – 9:40 Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. addresses: Jeanie -Math and Science Samantha -ELA and Social Studies
Math and Science Goals for
Math Goal: for your child to learn general math concepts, develop thinking and reasoning skills, and to become a problem solver.
Ways to reach our goal: Target math – daily review of a collection of skills Question of the day – encourage problem solving Math instruction – based on TEKS that the state requires fourth graders to know.
Ways you can help: Review addition and subtraction of larger numbers at home. Practice multiplication facts (1-12) Check the take home folder every day to see what math concepts we are currently working on and how your child is progressing. Math practice websites – on the Fairmont Webpage
Science Investigations Vocabulary development Learning how to find information in non- fiction texts If a chapter test is given, your child will know in advance. We will review in class. A study guide will be sent home before each test. Hopefully science will be a fun, positive learning experience for your child.
ELA and Social Studies Overview for
Reading Workshop We will be reading both fiction and non-fiction selections as well various other genres, especially poetry. Development of reading skills will occur throughout the curriculum with the reading selections in the form of Workshop. Students will be independently reading 30 minutes a day in class. Library Books- Students must come to class each day with library books. They are checked out and returned each Wednesday. At home logs- Students should be reading 20 minutes each night.
Writing Workshop Fourth grade students are expected to create expository and narrative pieces throughout the year. We aim to deliver a clear, focused thesis with supporting details in our expository writing. In our narratives, we focus on using vivid language and creating a focused, well organized story. Writing will be taught in a Workshop format. Writing work may periodically be sent home for your review with your child. Portfolio – We will save most of the students’ work in order to showcase their growth as a writer in the fourth grade. This is sent home at the end of the year as a keepsake.
Spelling We will be using the “Words Their Way” spelling program. This program is individualized to the student’s level of spelling development. There will be activities, possible HW, and a test once a month.
Social Studies We will be focusing on the study of the state of Texas. We will also incorporate reading strategies into Social Studies. We will cover citizenship, leadership skills, the regions of Texas and the people of the regions, the symbols of Texas and Texas history.
How you can help: Reading at Home- Making sure your child is reading at least 20 minutes a night. Writing samples will be sent home for you to review as well. Scholastic- You will have to opportunity to order books on your child’s reading level throughout the year. The Giving Tree
TEACHER COMMUNICATION The “take-home” folders holds graded papers, practice papers and notes to parents (for important information from teachers and/or the school office). Fairmont Elementary is also using our school website this year for important information. The following can be found at the website: Lunch money balance School Calendar Curriculum based websites for practice at home Teacher web page
PARENT INVOLEMENT It is important to check the take home folder on a daily basis. Papers graded 70 or below should be corrected, signed, and returned promptly. We will correct these grades to a 70, up to 3 times per 9 weeks. Parent Portal—parents may check absences/tardies/grades/link to cafeteria account
PARENT INVOLEMENT FE opens at 7:15 a.m. No students are allowed in the building before 7:15—no teachers are on duty until then. A change of transportation should only be in extreme emergency. Parents should send a note or IN WRITING to the teacher. Parents picking up their child in the car rider line, should display the red tag on their windshield showing the child’s name. Visitors will receive a “visitor’s sticker” in the office. This will allow access to the cafeteria and back down the hallway to exit the building. Visitors will not be allowed to enter the classrooms on grade-level halls. If you would like a conference, please make an appointment. Likewise, phone calls and/or s are welcome. No birthday invitations will be passed out at school. A sign-up sheet was completed at the “Meet the Teacher” night, and a list was sent home with and street addresses.
STUDENT INVOLVEMENT Students are expected to carry their take home folder and library books to and from school daily. Library books are required at school every day. Students should have papers and conduct sheets signed and returned promptly. Students should read 20 minutes and practice math facts, or study for upcoming tests on nights during the week. Cell phones must be turned off and kept in the backpack. Students should not use their cell phone in the school building.
Positive Behavior System School-wide discipline program PBS—Positive Behavior Support. We have “Falcon Rules” and a common conduct sheet for all grade levels. We focus on the positive, but we must have consequences. Conduct cards are sent home on Friday and must be returned signed by Monday. If not returned by Tuesday, the parent will be called. All grade levels have the same rules and the same conduct card. If the student’s receive a conduct mark during they day, they will sit out of recess that day.
INCENTIVES Students will earn “tickets” as a class for good behavior. We will draw names for rewards weekly. This good behavior includes: cooperation, responsible behavior, academic effort, leadership, etc. Rewards will differ from week to week. They could include free time, no shoes in class, treasure box items, write with a pen, etc.
4 TH GRADE IMPORTANT DATES April 2 & 3, 2012—STAAR Writing test April 23, STAAR Math test April 24, 2012—STAAR Reading test Math/Literacy Night – October 4 th - 5:30 to 7:00 Party Dates December 20 th at 2pm June 5 th at 2pm
PLEASE JOIN THE PTO TO HELP YOUR CHILD’S CLASS REACH 100% MEMBERSHIP Your $5.00 family membership goes a long way in providing many extras for our school. The PTO provides our annual carnival. Our students benefit from fundraising activities sponsored by the PTO such as project playground.
DAILY SCHEDULE 7:45 – 11:051 st Period (homeroom) 8:50 – 9:40PE/Music (Conference Period) 11:10– 2:252 nd Period 12:05 – 12:35Lunch 2:25 – 2:35Back to homeroom and prepare to go home
Remind 101 Brownfiel Homeroom Text this code to the number (442) Moore Homeroom Text this code to the number (512)