ES 100 Micro Air Vehicle Project Montgomery College Professor: Dr. Charles Kung Summer I 2012 Team Members: Andrew Joe Laura Mohammed Nathelie Noella Stephanie Thomas
Introduction Our goal is to design a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with a surveillance mechanism
Objectives The UAV must pass a field test and the requirements include: UAV must be able to take off and land from tennis court Flight test should be at least 2 minutes long UAV must capture video footage from flight to landing
Constraints The UAV must: Weigh a maximum of 450 grams Have a safe design and careful piloting Operate by battery power (standard 7.2V, 400mAh) Use a suitable RC frequency (2.4 Ghz)
Plan of Action Steps to completing the project: Elect a group leader and assign roles Brainstorm designs that meet with the objectives and constraints Cost comparison and analysis Trainer flying practice Preliminary design process Design comparison and analysis Assembly of aircraft Practice flying the aircraft Final flight test and evaluation
Plan of Action Diagram
Gantt Chart
Description Things we want to accomplish: Build a UAV with a camera mount attachment Minimize cost expenses Maintain performance and reliability Maximize and determine the most suitable components
Type of UAV Design Fixed Wing Design
Navigational System Remote Control
Propulsion System Propeller Propulsion
Take-off Mechanism Accelerated Take-off on the surface of Tennis Court
Tail Design Simple Tail Design with a Rudder, Elevator, and Horizontal/Vertical Stabilizer
Camera Mount Design Our Designed Camera Mount
Mechanisms for Securing Components Screws/Bolts, Gorilla Glue, Rubber bands, and Double Sided Tape
Flight Trainer Chosen The Night Vapor RTF
Basic Platform Chosen The GWS Slowstick Airplane ARF
Motor, Servos, and Power System Chosen Dynamic Power System Kit
Battery and Charger Chosen Sky Lipo Battery and Charger Kit (1000 mAh, 11.1 V, 20 C)
Design Sketches
Design Details Camera MountBattery Mount
Horizontal StabilizerVertical Stabilizer
Fuselage Elevator
Trailing Edge Wing Support Leading Edge Wing Support
Motor MountMotor
Rudder Propella
Servo Tray Tail Gear Support
Pro-Engineering Assembly
List of Materials 1 Slow Stick Airplane ARF: No Power Supply 1 3 pc Dynamics Brushless Motor +18A with 9g Servos 1 Sky Lipo 1000 mAh, 11.1V, 20C Battery
Bill of Materials
References Aviation Knowledge - Aviation Knowledge - Google Images - Google Images - Google maps - Google maps - Sample Project Report - Sample Project Report - RCSgroups - RCSgroups - Frequency Picture - Off.png Frequency Picture - Off.png