Prior to the game:Prior to the game: Students will learn how to sound, read, and spell the words. Practice writing the verbs using “I like…” in order to describe the word better. Act the verbs out. Create a poster with them about sportsmanship.
There are 16 verbs in the form of writing. The Game! 1.Cut these out.
There are 16 verbs in the form of pictures. 2. You cut these out.
3. Glue them on after folding a large construction paper into 32 sections.
4. Cut them out. 5. Laminate them. (or vise versa) Different colors in the classroom so that the stack of cards will not get mixed up.
Time to play!Time to play! Start playing using only the four verbs they have learned and so on. They will learn four new verbs each day and add them to the game until all 16 verbs are done. (Children will match the words to the pictures.)
Creative! Matching words to pictures Connects with spelling, reading, and writing. You could even play “Simon says” Make it bilingual Create other memory games over nature, seasons and weather, and food.
Support for Language acquisition How does my tip directly encourages students’ second language acquisition? Verbs are excellent for second language learners. Easy to learn and understand. They are common and they will have confirmation daily. Its good physiologically because they feel successful. Its kinesthetic Repetition is embedded in a fun authentic way rather than an artificial way.
Credit to source:Credit to source: In-service teacher: Veronica Pasternak, Ph.D. EDBE 4453 Bilingual Acquisition Process
Other game cards: (You create the words that match sheet)