Arrange the jumbled letters to form a word. 1.OTOR 2.RWEO 3.LAEES 4.MSTE 5. RUFIST ROOTS FLOWER LEAVES STEM FRUITS
TWO PHASES OF PLANT LIFE CYCLE VEGETATIVE STAGE Includes the growth of roots, stem and leaves. Includes the growth of roots, stem and leaves.
THREE ESSENTIAL CONDITIONS FOR GERMINATION 1.Amount of moisture which is needed to soften the seed coat and to help in the circulation of food which seed contains.
2. OXYGEN which when moisture is absorbed, oxygen takes in and carbon dioxide is given off by the seed. 3. WARMTH AND AIR IN THE SOIL which are needed to germinate seeds.
HYPOCOTYL It is the part of the embryo that first grows downward into the soil form a stem of the seedling. This hold the plant in place and gathers moisture and food in the soil. EPICOTYL It is the young leaves of the new plant.
REPRODUCTIVE STAGE It is the stage where the development of flowers, fruits and seeds takes place. It is also the stage in plant life that begins with the production of flowers and end with the maturing seeds.
FLOWER It is a specialized branch of plant designed for sexual reproduction or production of seeds. It is made up of organs like sepals, stamens, pistils, petals and accessory organs for reproduction.
PISTILS Are the female parts of the flower which consists of an ovary with an upright extension. The stigma which lies on top of the style serves as the pollen-receptive surface.
STAMENS compose the male parts of the flower, each of which consists of a supporting filament and an anther where the pollen grain is produced.
FERTILIZATION Takes place when a male nucleus in the pollen tube unites with the female nucleus of the ovules through the process called pollination.
DIRECTION: Match the column A to the Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer. A ___1. It is thestage where the dev’t of flower, fruits and seeds taken place. B A.Vegetative Stage B.Pistil C.Embryo D.Reproductive Stage E.Epicotyl F.Stamens
___2. It is the young leaves of a newplants. ___3. It is the female parts of the flower. ___4.It is the male parts of theflower. A.Vegetative Stage B.Pistil C.Embryo D.Reproductive Stage E.Epicotyl F.Stamens
___5. It is the stage in the plant life cycle that includes the formation of roots, stems and leaves. A.Vegetative Stage B.Pistil C.Embryo D.Reproductive Stage E.Epicotyl F.Stamens
DIRECTION: Enumerate the following What are the two phases in the life cycle of plants?
3-5. What are the essential conditions for germination?
ASSIGNMENT: 1.What are the principles that can help a gardener in preparing a plan? 2.What are the factors to consider in choosing a garden site?