Travel Writing Creating a brochure.
What have we looked at so far? You have now looked at several techniques used by advertisers when trying to sell a holiday or hotel. What were they?
So what things will go in my brochure? You will need to decide what to put on each page of your brochure. You will have: A front cover Two inner pages One back page
What do you think should go on the front cover?
What information should go on the inner pages?
What should go on the back page?
But making a normal brochure sounds a bit boring! Don’t worry. We are going to make things a bit more interesting! Your brochure won’t be an ordinary old brochure for a boring holiday resort, oh no!
You are going to be making a brochure for a very special hotel..........
A haunted hotel!
So what will we do the same in a horror brochure as we would in a normal one? Lots of things. We still have to write detailed descriptions of the hotel rooms and grounds, and discuss the local food and the locals. We still have to use alliteration, adjectives, superlatives and direct mode of address. We can still give things a rating: four stars out of five / nine marks out of ten. We can still use quotes from other visitors. We could even say that a celebrity has stayed in the hotel to make it look exclusive!
Dos and Don’ts Don’t make it sound nice. Don’t talk about beautiful scenery. Don’t say how lovely all the locals are. Do talk about the hotel’s history- did people die there? Was it built on top of a burial ground? Do talk about the old furniture and creaking staircases, and the bad weather.
Now spider diagram your ideas in your book Now spider diagram your ideas in your book. What spooky things will your hotel have?
Create some descriptive sentences. Sentence 1: (using adjective)........................... .......................................................................... Sentence 2: (using superlative)........................ Sentence 3: (using direct mode)....................... ........................................................................... Sentence 4: (using alliteration).........................
Brochure Success Criteria: Have I: used alliteration? used superlatives? used direct mode of address? used lots of adjectives? talked about the hotel room? talked about the hotel grounds? mentioned the hotel staff? personal anecdotes? exaggeration (hyperboly)? mentioned the hotel history and why it is haunted? talked about the local shops and people? given it a rating? used a quote from a celebrity describing the hotel? included lots of spooky pictures? humour? irony? colloquial language? variety of punctuation? Tick them of as you go!