Navigation WG Report D. Berry NASA J. Fertig ESA
Nav WG Reportp. 2MOIMS Plenary Mtg 14-Mar-2008 MOIMS NAV WG Report NAVIGATION WG Goal: Development of standards for interagency exchange of spacecraft attitude, orbit and tracking data.
Nav WG Reportp. 3MOIMS Plenary Mtg 14-Mar-2008 MOIMS NAV WG Report MAR 2008 PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVES ADM: Prepare the ADM for promotion to Blue Book ODM: Prepare the ODM Pink Book for Agency/ISO Review XML: Prepare the NDM/XML for Agency Review Green Book: Initiate updates to Navigation Green Book Future: Consider Areas for Future Standardization
Nav WG Reportp. 4MOIMS Plenary Mtg 14-Mar-2008 MOIMS NAV WG Report MAR 2008 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ADM: Completed review of Red Book 1.9 updates and prepared the book for Blue Book release pending final internal review ADM: Completed review of prototyping progress/status ADM: Completed review of the Prototyping Test Report ODM: Completed review of Pink Book 0.6 updates and prepared the book for Agency Review/ISO TC20/SC14/WG3 Review XML: Completed discussion of NDM/XML Red Book 1.2 & schemas Green Book: Completed discussion of recommended updates TDM: Completed review of proposed Pink Sheets TDM: Completed joint discussion with CSTS WG and SM WG regarding Streaming Tracking Data Service (STD) using TDM PDU Future: Continued discussion of future Nav related standardization opportunities
Nav WG Reportp. 5MOIMS Plenary Mtg 14-Mar-2008 MOIMS NAV WG Report CROSS-AREA TECHNICAL ISSUES CSTS WG and STD: Good progress is being made on the Streaming Tracking Data Service… still some questions regarding circumstances that result in discarding data. Realistic use cases will help focus discussion (mission events, Kalman filter input, etc.) XML Validator Standard: Should be added to the XSG Technical Program. Promotes assurance that schemas developed by one WG are compatible with those developed by another WG. XML Repository: Should be added to the XSG Technical Program. A virtual requirement as CCSDS moves forward. Necessitates strong configuration management. XML Harmonization: More emphasis on harmonization of XML issues across CCSDS as a whole is highly desirable (e.g., common data elements that pervade space ops). It would be good for the XSG SIG/WG to address this.
Nav WG Reportp. 6MOIMS Plenary Mtg 14-Mar-2008 MOIMS NAV WG Report OTHER ISSUES AND CONCERNS SC13/SC14 Collaboration: We are engaged in ongoing collaboration with SC14/WG3 regarding new requirements on the ODM, but unfortunately our SC14/WG3 liaisons were not able to attend this time. Navigation WG Charter Extension: The WG charter currently is “officially” authorized only through December 2008, however, AD has approved the charter extension requested at Heppenheim meetings. During these Spring meetings, the WG modified target dates consistent with the “unofficial” extended charter.
Nav WG Reportp. 7MOIMS Plenary Mtg 14-Mar-2008 MOIMS NAV WG Report OVERALL MEETING HOSTING COMMENTARY Scheduling (2 flavors): 6 month meeting cycle is best. Some meetings got moved around from assigned rooms and times, complicating logistics for those who were trying to attend several different WG’s Registration: No problems; very smooth, quick and efficient Meeting Rooms: Fully adequate for WG purposes, and convenient (except for Opening Plenary, which was too small) Hotel Accommodations: Fully adequate for WG purposes, and convenient. It is good to have attendees stay in the same hotel where the meetings are conducted. It was wonderful that the hotel decided to open for lunch for this week… exceptionally convenient for attendees and WG productivity. Internet Access: Access was acceptable, “free” price was great, but bandwidth was an issue.
Nav WG Reportp. 8MOIMS Plenary Mtg 14-Mar-2008 MOIMS NAV WG Report RESOLUTIONS Resolution 1: The Navigation WG proposes that the Attitude Data Messages be promoted to Blue Book status (Agency Review completed, RID disposition completed, prototyping by 2 agencies completed, and test report completed). Resolution 2: The Navigation WG proposes that there be a combined Agency Review and ISO TC20/SC14/WG3 Review of the Orbit Data Messages Pink Book. Resolution 3: The Navigation WG is pleased to express appreciation to NASA for their excellent hosting of this workshop, to the AIAA team for their logistical support, and to the staff and management of Marriott Courtyard for their efforts to accommodate these meetings.