Joey and Bills
Moving Out! Learning Objective: To explore the average cost of leaving home.
Moving Out You are about to move out of your family home to rent with two friends... What are you going to need money for? Mind map what you will have to spend on. Expenses Rent Internet
Expenses Rent Gas & Electric Water Phone & Internet Food and Household Mobile Contents Insurance Council Tax TV Licence Transport Extras On average, how much do you think each thing is going to cost per month? Add them up to create a total. The closest group will win erefs! On average, how much do you think each thing is going to cost per month? Add them up to create a total. The closest group will win erefs!
Expenses Rent - £350 Gas & Electric - £50 Water - £30 Phone & Internet £15 Food and Household - £200 Mobile - £25 Contents Insurance - £10 Council Tax - £30 TV Licence - £5 Transport - £50 Unforeseen expenses - £50 Total: £815
What age will you move out? Now that you have thought about how much it costs, what age do you expect to move out of your family home? As a class, read through the article. What are your thoughts on this?
Job Descriptions Each person is going to be given a job card at random. Look closely at your monthly salary. Will you be able to live independently on this salary? How much money will you have left over? What will you do with your left over money? Write down some ideas.
Job Descriptions Now think back to our previous lesson when we thought about our dream jobs. Also think about some of the skills you think you have e.g. Leader, creative, good with numbers. You are going to move around the room and look at the different job descriptions. Thinking about your skills and the things you enjoy doing, select three jobs that you would be interested in. On a piece of paper tally next to the three jobs you like.
Job Descriptions When you have gone back to your seats, calculate the total number of tallies your job card received. Which job scored the highest in the class? What were the main things you considered when making your three choices?
Chandlers Tips for Joey This lesson you have started thinking about the cost of living and some of the jobs that are out there. Considering this, if you were Chandler, what 5 Top Tips would you give to Joey when he is about to live on his own?
A little research... Write down the three jobs you were interested in this lesson. Complete your own further research at home and find out some more information ready to feedback next lesson.