Do any of you have a job? chores to perform at home? Do you have a very clear job description?
Goal 1Describe the nature of today’s workforce. Goal 2Identify important goals and activities of human resources. SLI DE 2
All people 16 years and older who are employed or looking for a job More than 150 million people have full- or part-time jobs Source: The Occupational Outlook Handbook SLI DE 3
Education and training ◦ High school education or more as a minimum ◦ Special training (College, MBA, Technical degree…) ◦ Basic skills and a willingness to work hard no longer good enough to get a good job… Compensation ◦ High-paying jobs – require more skills and education ◦ Low-paying jobs – harder to live comfortably Type of Work ◦ Working with machines and technology ◦ Working mainly with people and information SLI DE 4
Classified by industry ◦ Service-providing industries services that satisfy the needs of other businesses and consumers. ◦ Goods-producing industries produce or manufacture products Classified by occupation ◦ White-collar jobs (example Accountant) is one whose work is more mental than physical ◦ Blue-collar jobs involves a great deal of physical work SLI DE 5
Trade, transportation, and utilities Information Financial activities Professional and business services Real Estate Educational and health services Leisure and hospitality Other services Which industries are thriving right now? SLI DE 6
Natural resources and mining Construction Manufacturing Based on the list of goods-producing industries above what is New Jersey rich in? – Research via the Internet and share with the class. SLI DE 7
Professional (Services) Service Construction and extraction Management, business, and financial Installation, maintenance, and repair Office and administrative support Sales Transportation and material moving Farming, fishing, and forestry Production SLI DE 8
SLI DE 9 The Occupational Outlook Handbook
The BLS estimates that the economy will add more than 15 million new jobs over the next 10 years. Almost all of that job growth will be in service- providing industries Let’s look at the link above and research where the job growth is SLIDE 10
Each year, Fortune magazine identifies the “Best Companies to Work For” based on high rankings from each company’s employees. Working with your neighbor, make a list of things a company can do that you believe would help it make it to the “Best Companies... ” list. SLIDE 11
Consumer preferences Jobs are affected by consumer demand for a product or service Business cycles Stages of the business cycle affect job opportunities New technologies improves efficiency so that businesses may stay competitive Business competition Companies must be competitive to stay in business. SLIDE 12
Downsizing ◦ is a planned reduction in the number of employees needed Outsourcing ◦ removes work from one company and sends it to another company that can complete it at a lower cost. ◦ On the internet research a company that has recently downsized or has outsourced a division or area, share with the class. SLI DE 13
What are several strong influences on changes in the workforce? ◦ Strong influences for change in the workforce include consumer preferences, economic conditions (business cycles), new technology, and business competition. SLI DE 14
SLIDE 15 Human resources are the people who work for a business it is different from other types of resources used by a company ◦ Management and employees ◦ Full-time and part-time workers ◦ Temporary workers and long-time employees ◦ With your neighbor discuss: What is the advantage for companies to hire temporary workers during certain times of the year?(i.e. holiday season)
R0Dw R0Dw Bing bang theory Sheldon at Human Resources Department 0SqtM 0SqtM Jack Welch: The Role of HR
Human resources department ◦ Larger companies have a department to handle this function Human resources management in small businesses ◦ The owner of a small business will be responsible for managing human resources ◦ Explain why a small business will not have a HR department? SLIDE 17
SLIDE Identify the personnel needs of the company. 2. Maintain an adequate supply of people to fill those needs. 3. Match abilities and interests with specific jobs. 4. Provide training and development. 5. Develop plans to compensate personnel. 6. Protect the health and well-being of employees. 7. Maintain a productive and satisfying work environment.
SLIDE 19 Planning and staffing Performance management Compensation and benefits Employee Relations
SLIDE 20 Job analysis Recruitment and selection Job placement How has the recruitment function changed with the inception of the internet?
SLIDE 21 Performance assessment Performance improvement Managing promotions, transfers, and terminations
SLIDE 22 Wage and salary planning Benefits planning Payroll, benefits, and personnel records management Let’s access the link above and analyze highest paying jobs in the US.
SLIDE 23 Health and safety planning Labor relations Employment law and policy enforcement Organizational development Go the NLRB and research the function of this government agency.
SLIDE 24 What are the major goals of human resources? ◦ Identify the personnel needs ◦ Maintain an adequate supply of people ◦ Match abilities and interests with specific jobs. ◦ Provide training and development ◦ Develop plans to compensate personnel ◦ Protect the health and well-being of employees. ◦ Maintain a satisfying work environment.