World Climate Research Programme 11 Kevin Trenberth Chair WCRP Observation and Assimilation Panel WCRP: WMO/IOC/ICSU Kevin Trenberth Chair WCRP Observation and Assimilation Panel WCRP: WMO/IOC/ICSU Observations and their Analysis for WCRP/COPES Observations and their Analysis for WCRP/COPES
World Climate Research Programme 2 Kevin Trenberth Chair WCRP Observation and Assimilation Panel WCRP: WMO/IOC/ICSU Kevin Trenberth Chair WCRP Observation and Assimilation Panel WCRP: WMO/IOC/ICSU WOAP: WCRP Observations and Assimilation Panel WOAP: WCRP Observations and Assimilation Panel Next meeting March 2010
World Climate Research Programme 3 WOAP WOAP is primarily sponsored by WCRP but is also co-sponsored by GCOS, WOAP is a coordination Panel in WCRP Preferred channel for interactions GCOS and WCRP AOPC,OOPC, TOPC are also co-sponsored by WCRP WOAP helps to coordinate GCOS panels and issues WOAP serves to help with GEOSS workplans. Much material and background docs on WOAP website Next mtg: March 2010, Hamburg, Germany WOAP WOAP is primarily sponsored by WCRP but is also co-sponsored by GCOS, WOAP is a coordination Panel in WCRP Preferred channel for interactions GCOS and WCRP AOPC,OOPC, TOPC are also co-sponsored by WCRP WOAP helps to coordinate GCOS panels and issues WOAP serves to help with GEOSS workplans. Much material and background docs on WOAP website Next mtg: March 2010, Hamburg, Germany
World Climate Research Programme 4 TOR for WOAP: TOR for WOAP: paraphrased Identify climate observational requirements Help optimize observations Act as a focal point for WCRP interactions with other groups Promote and coordinate analysis, reprocessing, reanalysis and assimilation Promote and coordinate information and data management activities, including web sites. Observations include those from space platforms. TOR for WOAP: TOR for WOAP: paraphrased Identify climate observational requirements Help optimize observations Act as a focal point for WCRP interactions with other groups Promote and coordinate analysis, reprocessing, reanalysis and assimilation Promote and coordinate information and data management activities, including web sites. Observations include those from space platforms.
World Climate Research Programme 5 Meeting objectives: Progress achieved during the last two years in relation to observations GRUAN Flux tower measurement exploitation; IGBP Observations from space; CEOS, NPOESS Interactions between GCOS and WCRP activities, Participation in GEOSS. IPCC AR5 report and scoping Implications of WCC-3, COP-15 and OceanObs’09. Implications of the new GCOS implementation plan Implications of new WCRP implementation plan. Next meeting March 2010: Hamburg Germany
World Climate Research Programme 6 Meeting objectives (cont): Matters arising from JSC 31 Matters arising from GCOS SC XVII meeting Assess the activities and results of Task Group on Data Management and the Joint Working Group on Participation in WCRP conference in October 2011 Datasets for evaluating models: CMIP5 Reprocessing; SCOPE-CM Observational Data Sets for Reanalysis Organization of next International Reanalysis conference
World Climate Research Programme 7 Reanalysis 1.Following the last reanalysis conference in January 2008 where we issued a conference statement, WOAP/WCRP sent out a mailing to many (including program managers) and all involved in reanalysis designed to gather support. 2.A summary of reanalyses in the atmosphere was compiled for Oceanobs'09, and the paper is available. 3.There is not a problem with lack of reanalyses, indeed there is a proliferation. The problems are: 1.lack of an end to end program with adequate vetting and evaluation of products (and the funding for that), and 2.Reanalysis is all done in a research domain and not sustained, so that key personnel can be lost. 3.Lack of adequate vetting and diagnosis 4.Reanalysis is an essential part of climate services, especially in monitoring, attribution and prediction
World Climate Research Programme 8 ReanalysisHoriz.ResDatesVintageStatus NCEP/NCAR R1T present1995ongoing NCEP-DOE R2T present2001ongoing CFSR (NCEP)T382=0.5 1979-present2009thru 2009, ongoing C20r (NOAA)22 Complete, in progress ERA-40T done ERA-InterimT present2009ongoing JRA-25T present2006ongoing JRA-55T underway MERRA (NASA)0.5 1979-present2009thru 2008, in progress Summary of the main atmospheric reanalyses that are current or underway, with the horizontal resolution (latitude; T159 is equivalent to about 0.8 ), the starting and ending dates, the approximate vintage of the model and analysis system, and current status.
World Climate Research Programme 9 Climate Observations Process studies: atmosphere, ocean, land, cryosphere and their interactions Sustained observations: the climate record Enhanced monitoring Analysis, assimilation and data products Data stewardship, data access, QC For JSC 2010: Observations white paper
Working Group on Observational Data Sets for Reanalysis The Working Group has … –Assembled surface and upper air data set inventories –Augmented existing data sets –Developed detailed plans for improving specific data sets –Leveraged heavily off of ongoing projects The Working Group has not … –Denoted “official” Implementing Centers (loose confederation is working reasonably well for the moment) –Held many meetings (support for one such meeting would be very helpful)
World Climate Research Programme 11 WOAP: Key climate issues Climate data records Continuity, continuity, continuity; The need for reprocessing and reanalysis of past data and coordination of these activities among agencies and variables; Includes evaluation and assessment or results Importance of calibration, accuracy, benchmarks, Space and in situ observations; Reanalysis to produce global gridded fields WOAP: Key climate issues Climate data records Continuity, continuity, continuity; The need for reprocessing and reanalysis of past data and coordination of these activities among agencies and variables; Includes evaluation and assessment or results Importance of calibration, accuracy, benchmarks, Space and in situ observations; Reanalysis to produce global gridded fields GRUAN, GPS RO, CLARREO
World Climate Research Programme 12 Data Management Task Group Led WCRP policy statement Has made preliminary list of WCRP datasets Post on web: who to maintain, update? Points of contact for each, and also each project? Documentation? Version control? Naming? Issues: what is future support? Finite life of projects but data go on forever (hopefully). WCRP assistance in finding homes for data? Future of this activity?
World Climate Research Programme 13 Future needs: Observations and Analysis Observations: in situ and from space (that satisfy the climate observing principles); A performance tracking system; Climate Data Records (CDRs) The ingest, archival, stewardship of data, data management; Access to data Data processing and analysis The analysis and reanalysis of the observations and derivation of products, Data assimilation and model initialization Observations: in situ and from space (that satisfy the climate observing principles); A performance tracking system; Climate Data Records (CDRs) The ingest, archival, stewardship of data, data management; Access to data Data processing and analysis The analysis and reanalysis of the observations and derivation of products, Data assimilation and model initialization
Imperative: A climate information system Observations: forcings, atmosphere, ocean, land Analysis: comprehensive, integrated, products Assimilation: model based, initialization Attribution: understanding, causes Assessment: global, regions, impacts, planning Predictions: multiple time scales Decision Making : impacts, adaptation Observations: forcings, atmosphere, ocean, land Analysis: comprehensive, integrated, products Assimilation: model based, initialization Attribution: understanding, causes Assessment: global, regions, impacts, planning Predictions: multiple time scales Decision Making : impacts, adaptation An Integrated Earth System Information System
World Climate Research Programme 15 Climate Information System Trenberth, 2008 WMO Bull Nature 6 December 2007 WCRP