Earth Systems from Space Observations and evidence of interactions Targets 10 and 13 Observations and evidence of interactions Targets 10 and 13 Lake Nasser, Egypt
Instructions: Go to (link can be found on my webpage under “links”) Find a photo of interest to you. The photo must have 5 identifiable features. You will prepare a Google Presentation with the following (further pages in this document have hints and examples): Slide 1: the photo along with the name and location of the system information Slide 2: a table with of features. Column 1 will be “observed features.” Column 2 will be associated “earth system” (sphere). Column 3 will be “observational evidence”. You certainly can read the information that accompanies the photo, but you must provide observational evidence--meaning you have to convince me that the caption you read about the photo is correct. Slide 3: A table of three proposed interactions (between earth systems) you have evidence for in your photo. Column 1 will be “proposed interaction.” Column 2 will be “earth systems involved.” Column 3 will be “observational evidence.” Share your presentation with Mr. Ellenbecker on Google Drive. There are multiple ways to search for photos:
There are tricks to finding photos for each “collection”: Click on “collections” (or hover to open pop up menu)--Each section will have a unique way of finding photos. Often you will need to click on a “frame” number from a table of photos from your search. The easiest collection to find a photo in is the “weekly Top 10” because you can click directly on the photo of interest.
If you do not want to use collections: Click on or hover over “search photos” and use google earth or google maps to identify a location of interest. Again, you may have a table pop up when you click on a location, in which case you will need to click on a frame number or link (see next page) in the table to view the image.
Depending on your mode of searching, you may need to click on a link like the ones above (the entire right column) to get to the photo information and file to download.
Hints for finding what you need You can click on “tips for viewing” if you are having troubles “seeing” the images at a resolution that you can use to ID features. Choose the highest resolution (biggest file) you can view/download so you can see details in the photo (all of the files shown here are the same, just varying resolutions) Once you click on the “view” and the photo opens you may need to click on the photo to “enlarge” to biggest size To find the mission and roll ID look in the “identification” (this photo’s mission is ISS040 and the roll ID is E and the frame is ) Scroll down and there may be a section offering all sorts of information about the photo You can click on “tips for viewing” if you are having troubles “seeing” the images at a resolution that you can use to ID features. Choose the highest resolution (biggest file) you can view/download so you can see details in the photo (all of the files shown here are the same, just varying resolutions) Once you click on the “view” and the photo opens you may need to click on the photo to “enlarge” to biggest size To find the mission and roll ID look in the “identification” (this photo’s mission is ISS040 and the roll ID is E and the frame is ) Scroll down and there may be a section offering all sorts of information about the photo
Depending on your browser there are a few different ways to get the photo into your presentation copy and paste functions use Firefox save image and then use “insert” image click, hold and drag from the web directly into presentation copy and paste functions use Firefox save image and then use “insert” image click, hold and drag from the web directly into presentation Puget Sound, Washington on=ISS040&roll=E&frame=124198
Example Table for slide 2: (you need a title for your table) OBSERVED FEATURE Earth System Observational Evidence SNOWhydrosphere White color on top of mountains reflective seems to “feed”into river
EXAMPLE TABLE FOR SLIDE 3: (YOU NEED A TITLE FOR YOUR TABLE) Proposed interaction Earth systems involved Observational Evidence Water “feeding” trees hydrosphere- biosphere where there was a river, there seemed to be a “green” belt near the water and it was less green away from the water.