Michael L. Kaiser STEREO Project Scientist NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center STEREO May 2, 2008 STEREO at 1.25 years.


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Presentation transcript:

Michael L. Kaiser STEREO Project Scientist NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center STEREO May 2, 2008 STEREO at 1.25 years

STEREO-B (BEHIND) OBSERVATORY Deployed SWAVES Electric Field Antenna (3 places) Deployed IMPACT Boom IMPACT Solar Wind Electron Analyzer (SWEA) IMPACT Suprathermal Electron Detector (STE) IMPACT Magnetometer (MAG) SECCHI Heliospheric Imager (HI) SECCHI Sun-Centered Imaging Package (SCIP) Assy (COR-1, COR-2, EUVI, GT) PLASTIC Instrument IMPACT SEP 1.1m X 2.0 m X 1.2 m 610 kg ≥ 600 W

STEREO Orbits Sun Earth +22  /year -22  /year Heliocentric Inertial Coordinates (Ecliptic Plane Projection) Geocentric Solar Ecliptic Coordinates Fixed Earth-Sun Line (Ecliptic Plane Projection) Ahead Behind Earth 1 yr. 2 yr. 3 yr. 4 yr. 1yr. 2yr. 3 yr. 4 yr.

STEREO Space Weather Data Products Highest resolution data – available hrs SECCHI: 2048 X 2048 images IMPACT: fluxes (10s sec), moments (few sec) and B (<1 sec) PLASTIC: fluxes and moments 1 min resolution SWAVES: intensities from all frequencies (~367) every 15 sec Other data products – available TBD Key parameters Catalogs and event tables Movies Research Beacon (space weather) data – available ‘immediately’ SECCHI: ~7 256 X 256 images every hour IMPACT: 1 min aves of B, 1 min aves solar wind moments and selected SEP fluxes PLASTIC: 1 minute resolution selected moments and fluxes SWAVES: 1 minute summaries of alternate frequencies ( MHz) ‘Operational’




Beacon Status Receive beacon telemetry from England, Japan, and France on a regular basis – overall coverage 50-90% –Toulouse station recently added –Not certain about continued funding for station in England –Wallops tracking is top priority—paperwork is main delay –NOAA examining link margins for extended mission All SECCHI telescopes are now included in the beacon pages. SWAVES radio plots are now generated in realtime.

March 25, 2008 – Our first big success

Eruption in the Low Corona A-B separation = 28 deg Cadence = 10 min Mild wavelet enhancement

Eruption in the Low Corona (Implications) Visibility of prominence top depends on projection – Gap of several hours between A &B. – Height-time analyses of eruptive prominences from single viewpoint are unreliable for CME studies! The existence of kinked structures is projection- depended –“kinked” structure seen in B, not A –Footpoints of eruptive prominence seen in B, not A –Shape, configuration of erupting structures is very uncertain from single viewpoint. Kinked structures

STEREO Actually ‘sees’ CIRs

90 ° 180 ° STEREO separation STEREO into cycle 24
