The NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction Project Developing a Partnership to Provide a New High Technology Research Center A Briefing to Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. July 1, 2003
2 The NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction: Project Overview Define the proposed facility Why move? Why locate near UMD? Progress to date Status Future Actions Timeline for new facility
3 Define the Proposed Facility Lease build-to-suit facility with 268,000 sq ft House 800 staff Federal, contractors, visiting scientists 40 spaces for visiting university professors and students From the World Weather Building in Camp Springs, MD National Weather Service’s (NWS) National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service’s (NESDIS) research and satellite services) From Silver Spring Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research’s (OAR) Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) The NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (NCWCP)
4 Define the Proposed Facility Weather Forecasts to Day 7* Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts to 5 days* Climate Forecasts * Marine High Seas Forecasts* Severe Weather Watches Fire Weather Outlooks Hurricane Watches and Warnings Aviation Warnings Solar Monitoring National Products Numerical Model Development and Applications* Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation* Ocean Models; Coastal Ocean Forecast System* Super Computer and Network Operations* * Functions housed at the World Weather Building in Camp Springs NCEP (National Weather Service ) Where America’s Climate and Weather Services Begin
5 NCEP Center Locations
6 Define the Proposed Facility Office of Research and Applications (NESDIS) Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (science support for NWS) Climate-quality satellite data records Ocean Remote Sensing program Weather and hazards product development Cooperative Research Institutes (includes the Cooperative Institute for Climate Studies at UMCP) Satellite Services Division (NESDIS) Real time (24 X 7) operations to provide environmental satellite products hazards support, e.g., fires, volcanic ash Satellite data acquisition, including commercial sources Air Resources Laboratory (OAR) Dispersion models (radioactive releases, volcanic ash, air quality) NESDIS and OAR
7 Define the Proposed Facility More than 330 scientists working on complex scientific issues (NCEP, NESDIS and ARL) Remote sensing: oceans, atmosphere, land (NESDIS) Numerical weather prediction/data assimilation (NCEP) Satellite data assimilation (NCEP/NESDIS) Climate studies (NCEP/NESDIS) El Nino Seasonal to Interannual Prediction Atmospheric chemistry/air quality (ARL/NCEP/NESDIS) Dispersion modeling (ARL/NCEP) Science Component in Proposed NCWCP
8 Why Move from the World Weather Building in Camp Springs? Current 1970’s building not designed for high tech mission Building infrastructure is no longer capable of reliably supporting 24x7 mission critical requirements Management of communications cabling is impacted by lack of raised floors in research and operations areas 1960's heating/cooling technology is unreliable Building site is not configured to meet security requirements Current location is not optimal for recruitment Surrounded by used car lots Overcrowded conditions in WWB
9 Why Locate NCEP/NESDIS/ARL Near University of Maryland? NOAA collocates its offices with research labs/universities, where possible (24 weather forecast offices collocated with laboratories, universities) Examples of NOAA collocations: 1)University of Oklahoma project: “National Weather Center” Storm Prediction Center, National Severe Storms Lab, NWS Forecast Office and University of OK On University land University will build and own facility Project scheduled to be completed by FY06 Government will lease from University
10 Why Locate NCEP/NESDIS/ARL Near University of Maryland? Examples of NOAA collocations (cont’d): 2)National Hurricane Center and Florida International University Established the International Hurricane Center Government owned facility on University campus Land leased to Government at $1.00 per year 3)National Marine Fisheries Service Southwest Fisheries Laboratory adjacent to University of California at Santa Cruz’s Long Marine Laboratory Government and University each own separate facilities Share research infrastructure
11 Why Locate NCEP/NESDIS/ARL Near University of Maryland? Collocation will enhance synergistic interactions with the University Accelerates transfer of research to operations Improves forecast performance Provides focus for improving the assimilation of satellite data for ocean, weather, climate applications Enhances interaction with students/professors Increases use of NOAA data and models in basic research Enhances recruitment activity University Corporation for Atmospheric Research supports NCEP/NESDIS move The letter states: “As a result, I would like to express my strong support for the proposed move of significant components of NCEP from Camp Springs to a new site near the University of Maryland.” (1999, Richard Anthes, President, UCAR)
12 Progress to Date Project initiated Site Analysis Report submitted - May 2001 Study recommended College Park/Greenbelt area Program of Requirements completed - April 2002 Site ad placed - September 2002 Development of Design Guidelines initiated - October 2002 Prospectus forwarded to the Hill for approval - May 2003 Short list of five sites identified - April 2003
13 Status Five sites 1 - Avalon at College Park Metro Site 2 - Litton Site (Submitted by UMD) 3 - Avanti Site (Submitted by UMD) 4 - University Town Center Site 5 - Prince George's Plaza Metrorail Site
14 Sites Identified for Further Consideration
15 Status Sites meet NOAA’s mission requirements: Location is conducive to establishing synergistic relationship with an academic or research institution (University of Maryland) Site can be appropriately secured Site will provide a working environment that will support NOAA’s efforts to recruit and retain skilled employees Infrastructure is available to support 24x7 mission Site Selection Process
16 Future Actions Finalize Design Guidelines Select final site Execute site option Initiate lease solicitation NOAA FY 04 budget appropriated Award lease Design, construct and occupy facility State-of-the-art facility; designed under GSA “Design Excellence” Program
17 TASK DATEFY02FY03FY04FY05FY06FY07FY08 Macro Level Requirements to GSA Initiated Site Acquisition Develop Short List of Sites Prospectus Approval Finalize Design Guidelines April 02 September 02 April 03 July 03 August 03 Execute Site Option Award Lease Select Design Concept October 03 April 04 July 04 Start Construction Occupancy Building April 05 February 08 Timeline for NCWCP Project (based on Draft Final Project Schedule dated 04/11/03)