Modeling Oil Markets Janie M. Chermak, University of New Mexico Robert H Patrick, Rutgers University October 26, 2015
Literature Medlock and Jaffe (2009) speculation Hamilton (2009) speculation, OPEC, scarcity rent Dvir & Rogoff (2009) price behavior Kilian (2010) S&D shocks Kellogg (2014) Impact of infill drilling on investment
Components Demand (consumption, additions to storage) Supply (production, imports, withdrawals from storage) Futures
Demand (consumption, storage in)
Supply (base production, new production, storage out, imports)
Futures (commercial and non-commercial traders)
Futures Market Commercial (arbitrage) traders are those whose primary businesses are exposed to oil price fluctuations and hedge risks in futures markets to stabilize cash flows. Non-commercial (speculative) traders speculate on crude oil price movements.
Contango/Backwardation If C4>C1, then DIFF>0 – Contango If C4<C1, DIFF<0 - Backwardation
Market(s) Demand for Crude Oil Inverse Supply of Crude Oil Futures Price Data from EIA, Baker Hughes: Weekly 1/1/1986 – 10/1/2015
Model (ARCH/GARCH- in means) Equation 1: Quantity Demanded is a function of: – WTI Spot Price [ -/- ] * – Prime Rate [+/+] * – + Change in Storage [ +/-] – S&P [+/+] * – Time [+/+] * – Binaries: Recession [-/-] *, 9/11[-/+] * – Variance Terms Recession (-/-)*; 9/11 (+/+)* * Significant at 5% or greater
MODEL (ARCH GARCH - in means) Equation 2: WTI Spot Price is a function of: – Futures Price (+/+)* – Oil Rig Count (+/+)* – Production (+/+)* – Change in Storage (-/-)* – Contango/Backwardation (+/-)* – Open Interest NC Short (+/+)*; NC Long (-/-)*: NC Spread (+/+)*; CS Short (+/+)*; CL (-/-)* – Variance Terms CFMA (+/+)*; 9/11 (+/+)* * Significant at 5% or greater
Equation 3: Futures Price is a function of: – Open Interest (+/+)* – CFMA (+/+)* – S&P (+/+)* – Gold (-/+)* – Days of Storage (-/+) – Time (?/-)* – Variance Terms: 9/11 (+/+)* MODEL (ARCH GARCH - in means) * Significant at 5% or greater
Conclusions Market Fundamentals are Significant Storage Is Significant Shocks Are Significant Financial Markets and Rules are Significant Significance of Relative Impacts Changes Over Time
Thank You
The Crude Oil Consumer’s Objective Individual Demand for Crude
The Producer’s Objective: Aggregate Supply: Individual Producer’s Supply:
Equilibrium without Storage or Futures