World War One Central Historical Question: In 1578, an English poet wrote “the rules of fair play do not apply in love and war,” does this idiom justify the method of “total war” used in World War One?
Gassed painting by John Singer Sargent 1918
British machine gun crew & anti-gas helmets. Battle of the Somme, July 1916
German Gun “Dicke Bertha“ Translation-“Big Bertha“
American naval ordnance on wheels; a 14in., 30 mile gun. This French 520mm howitzer was the biggest gun of the Great War. It could deliver a 3,100 lb shell (600 lbs of explosive) over 10 miles.
WW1 Warfare Video e9hxLar8 e9hxLar8 Trench warfare, machine guns, large armaments, gas warfare, etc.
Allies of World War 1 Population (millions) Military Deaths Civilian Deaths due to Military action Civilian deaths due to famine & disease Total Deaths Total deaths as % of population Military Wounded United Kingdom ,9392,000107,000995, %1,663,435 The rest of the British Empire 228,6582,000230,658426,777 Belgium7.458,6377,00055,000120, %44,686 France39.61,397,80040,000260,0001,697, %4,266,000 Italy ,0004,000585,0001,240, %953,886 Romania7.5250,000120,000330,000680, %120,000 Russia175.11,811,000500,0001,000,0003,311, %4,950,000 Serbia4.5275,000150,000300,000725, %133,148 United States , , %205,690 Total for Entente Powers ,712,397821,7572,853,0009,387, %12,809,280 Document #10 Table showing Military & Civilian Deaths resulting from WW1
Central Powers of World War 1 Population (millions) Military Deaths Civilian Deaths due to Military action Civilian deaths due to famine & disease Total Deaths Total deaths as % of population Military Wounded Austria- Hungary 51.41,100,00120,000347,0001,567, %3,620,000 Bulgaria5.587,500100,000187, %152,390 German Empire 64.92,050,8971,000425,0002,476, %4,247,143 Ottoman Empire ,8442,150,0002,921, %400,000 Total for Central Powers ,010,241121,0003,022,0007,153,2415%8,419,533