+ Objective: Bisect and angle DO NOW: p. 60 in textbook (Folding Angle Bisectors) HOMEWORK: Practice Worksheet A 2.Open notes vocabulary quiz tomorrow ( ) DATE Oct. 6, 2014
+ Homework Check 1. Yes (tic marks) 2. No (no tic marks) 3. No (its an endpoint) 4. PM = 11; MD = TM = 7.5; MS = AM = 9.2; AB = FG = 17; EG = x = 3 9. x = (1, 1) 11. (2.5, -4) 12. (-4, 4) 13. (3.5, -3) 14. (2, 2.5) 15. (-2, 4) ft 2.1 B
+ IMPORTANT TERMS Angle bisector: An angle bisector is a ray that divides an angle into two angles that are congruent.
+ Example 1 BD bisects LABC, and mLABC = 110 o Find mLABD and mLDBC Find angle measures
+ Solution BD bisects LABC, so mLABC is half of mLABC. mLABD Example 1
+ Check Point HK bisects LGHJ. Find mLGHK and mLKHL. 1. mLGHK = mLKHL = 2. mLGHK = mLKHL = 3. mLGHK = mLKHL =
+ Solutions 1. mLGHK = 16 o mLKHL = 16 o 2. mLGHK = 45 o mLKHL = 45 o 3. mLGHK = 80.5 o mLKHL = 80.5 o Checkpoint
+ Example 2 Angle Measures and Classification
+ Solutions Example 2
+ Checkpoint 4. mLSQP = mLPQR = 5. mLSQP = mLPQR = 6. mLSQP = mLPQR =
+ Solutions 4. mLSQP = 29 o mLPQR = 58 o acute 5. mLSQP = 45 o mLPQR = 120 o right 6. mLSQP = 60 o mLPQR = 120 o obtuse Checkpoint
+ Example 3 Use Algebra with Angle Measures
+ Solutions Example 3
+ Follow up Substitute your value of x in the original equation to determine whether it is a solution. ???
+ Checkpoint BD bisects LABC. Find the value of x.
+ Solution Checkpoint
+ Closing Exit Card: Find the segment length. THEN place a +, check, or – for understanding of today’s lesson! USE THE MIDPOINT FORMULA: R(5,6) P(-3, 0)