Why Would Someone Want a Desk Buddy? Functional School Spirit Organizes desk supplies
Components Of Desk Buddy Paperclip Holder Pencil Slot Cable Wire Holes Ruler
Side View Dimensions ¾ inches 3 ¾ inches 2 inches 7/8 inches
Front View Dimensions 5 inches ¾ inches ½ inch 3 ¾ inches ¼ inch
RPI Body Magnetic Strips Plastic
RPI Body Plastic Injection Molding CNC Machine Ultra Sonic Welding
Base Aluminum
Base Abrasive Water Jet CNC Machine Ceramic Slurry
Putting It Together Adhesives
Processes Process Used to: Capitals make this a bit busy here CNC MachineMold for RPI, Pencil Slot, Cable Wire Holes Ceramic SlurrySmooth Aluminum Abrasive Water JetCut out Aluminum, Ruler lines Ultra Sonic WeldingFuse Plastic Top Plastic Injection MoldingTop Piece AdhesivesJoin Top and Bottom
Cost Price per unit: $4.95 Total Price: $1980 Materials/ ItemsCost/ UnitTotal Cost Magnetic Strips: (1/2”x2”)x400$0.075$30 Mold: (3 ¾” x 6” x 7/8”) x1$500 Aluminum (for the base): (290lbs) $3.625$1450 Plastic For Body$0$0 (Donated) Ruler( etched with laser)$0
CriteriaPtsptsTeacher Assessment Clearly gives name, home schools, title (name of object) 1 1good Perfect, yes perfect, spelling and grammar1 1good Provides brief, concise justification of why someone would enjoy this product upon receipt 1 1 good Provides key information as to why this would be appropriate for the RPI class creating this product: Uses majority of processes; provides challenge to students; enough work for quality engagement of students for a whole semester.) At the final contest these criteria will be heavily weighted! Up to 5 5 Excellent visual depiction of product (may be technical drawing or CAD). Does not have to be expert draftsman quality, but must enable viewer to envision product with extreme ease. Models are welcome as a supplement. Up to 5 5 I liked the CAD. Probably put completed picture from last page on front page. A model will go a long way here. As you said there would be a model. I’ll give you a 5 here. Drawing gives specific dimensions as required for manufacturing. Up to 5 5 good Drawing clearly shows different parts in detail as well as how those parts would assemble. Up to 5 5good Provides complete summary list of processes/equipment used. Up to 3 3 Clearly explains what processes are used to make each part, why, and how. Up to 7 7See my note Provides chart of necessary materials, quantities, sources, and costs (to make 400 units). Up to 5 5 Clearly shows that total cost is less than or equal to $3000. (includes materials and outside labor only). 1 1 Visual aids lend themselves to a 5 – 7 minute presentation that is not simply read to the audience. For example, you should use bullet points, not an essay. You should be concise while highlighting specific necessary details I thought you were getting rid of the thought bubbles… Total (40 ELA, 40 AERA, and 40 SS)40 40 SS, 39.5 ELA, 40 AERA