Day 1 procedures. Bellringers:  Enter silently, get binder and begin writing bellringer on Bellringer Sheet.  Bellringer sheets will be collected every.


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Presentation transcript:

Day 1 procedures

Bellringers:  Enter silently, get binder and begin writing bellringer on Bellringer Sheet.  Bellringer sheets will be collected every other week.  Use the front and back of each bellringer sheet.  Be sure to follow directions as points will be taken off for missing dates, improper format.  No credit will be given to bellringer sheets without a first and last name.

Pens/Materials  Students will be issued one black pen and one red pen per quarter.  Pens MUST be brought to class, everyday.  Students who forget a pen:  1 warning. I will loan one pen per marking period. After that, I will not loan anything else out and you will be responsible for being prepared..  If pen is forgotten again, student will be sent out for an unprepared.  If pen is forgotten a third time the student will call home to inform their parent that they are unprepared.

Pens/Materials  Work done in pencil will not be graded.  All work MUST be done in blue or black ink. Materials: All materials will be issued in your classroom binder. Do not get up to get materials. All materials need to be ready before the bell rings. Students will not be allowed out of their seats during instruction to gather materials.

Materials/Binders  There will be copies of and bellringer sheets in the back of the room. Students must replenish their supply of each before or after class. Binders Binders are property of American Preparatory Academy and will be treated as such. Students will be fined for pen/pencil markings, graffiti, and general upkeep of their classroom binders.

Binders  Students can be fined up to $10.00 for a misplaced, lost, or damaged binder.  Organization:  notebook  Loose leaf paper for assignments  Folder to hold papers *I will be conducting frequent unannounced binder checks for classroom credit. Maintain your binders for a higher grade.*

Homework  Homework will be assigned nightly and students will be expected to complete homework nightly.  Homework will be dropped in the drop box located in the back of the room during your entry and exit.

Homework  Homework blog:  In case of an absence you will find the agenda for the day as well as any necessary handouts, assignments, etc at the new 7 th and 8 h grade homework blog.  Write this address on the tab inside of your binder where it says “homework blog:”   I will expect you to use the blog for copies of homework, handouts and other classroom materials before asking me for copies.

Homework  Late Policy:  Students may turn in late work up until the second to last week of the Quarter.  Penalties:  -10% for every day work is late up to -40% off the original score.  If a student is present in class and refuses to do the assignment the student will receive a 1% for the assignment and will not be able to make up the assignment.

Homework-make up policy  It is YOUR responsibility to check SIS and the homework blog to ensure no missing work accrues.  If you miss a test or a quiz it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to reschedule a time to take the make up.  See Mr. Sheneman for your SIS login.

Grading  Letter grades follow a 10-point scale and will be weighted as follows: Tests:30% Papers:25% Quizzes: 20% Classwork/Homework: 15% Participation:10%

Participation  Participation will be a combination of behavior and participation. Students will be awarded 20 points per week and will lose points for misbehavior, lack of participation, and unpreparedness.  Students will not receive participation points for the day they are absent but will have the opportunity to make up participation points.

Desks and upkeep  The 7 th and 8 th grade English classroom should be a space for creativity and learning. It’s difficult to learn with the distractions of messy desks and messy floors.  Before class starts, I expect each student to make sure the back legs of his or her desk is aligned with the blue tape on the floor.  If you see a desk that is out of line, correct it.  Before class ends, pick up any garbage and realign desks.

Communication  7 th and 8 th grade students are expected to utilize their address that the school provides, which is your  If you have not set this up, please see me during study skills or afterschool.  If there is an emergency, please send me an . If no response within 12 hours, call my cell phone.  **If you ever need to stay after school to type a paper, work on an assignment, or receive extra help please don’t hesitate to ask. I am available Mon-Thurs for extended hours.**