Is there life after graduation?
In 1965, College Was Just A Pipe Dream
FSU vs. Florida It was a hard choice based on detailed scientific research...
Florida vs.
Easy Decision, and
Wonders Never Cease - I Got In! (1969)
First of two quotes from a 1969 FSU Communications Class Assignment:
“I was motivated to attend FSU because it served as a means to an end, or a way to achieve my goals & objectives. By going to college I satisfied social and peer pressure. Attending FSU was a good way for me to stall making major decisions about my future.”
“Back In My Day”
A few of the bands that came to FSU while I was there:
Do You Remember - Grand Funk Railroad
Do You Remember - Grand Funk Railroad Blood Sweat & Tears
Do You Remember - Grand Funk Railroad Blood Sweat & Tears Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
Do You Remember - Grand Funk Railroad Blood Sweat & Tears Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Stevie Wonder
Do You Remember - Grand Funk Railroad Blood Sweat & Tears Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Stevie Wonder Bill Cosby
Yes, We Had Football
More or Less! In 1973, We Were 0 -11
And Yes, We Had Cheerleaders
Study Hard &
Study Hard & You Will Be Rewarded!
And, Where Did It Take Me?
The Profession Has Morphed Industrial Relations Employee Relations Personnel Human Resources Necessary Evil
Places I Have Been PAFB - 10 minutes from home town Worked & Lived in Iran & Holland Traveled to and conducted business in over 40 countries Florida -> Iran -> California -> Texas -> Holland -> Florida -> Georgia -> California Million Miler on United Managed to graduate from law school with JD and pass bar Retired at 52
Industries I Have Worked In
Industries I have Worked In Aerospace
Industries I have Worked In Aerospace Oil
Industries I have Worked In Aerospace Oil Business Equipment
Industries I have Worked In Aerospace Oil Business Equipment Banking
Industries I have Worked In Aerospace Oil Business Equipment Banking Hi Tech/Software
Industries I have Worked In Aerospace Oil Business Equipment Banking Hi Tech Not For Profit
Positions I Have Held Recruiter Industrial Relations Manager Human Resources Director Vice President, Human Resources SVP, Human Resources EVP, Administration CAO General Counsel President/CEO Teen Court Judge
Second quote from that Communications Class Assignment:
“My professional objective is to be a prominent authority in my field and to serve as an executive office in a good- sized, well-established organization.”
And, Wrote a Book:
So, What Is The Secret To Moving Up?
Raise Your Hand and Volunteer!
And now, A Day In My Life..
And I Still Have Pipe Dreams!
Trust Me, It Was All Worth It!
And now, a brief word from the next generation...