My Opinion (Because I always have an Opinion) By: Bryce Cutler
A Necessary Evil Privacy is like labor unions. A necessary evil. Although nobody likes it when when outsiders intrude into our lives it is necessary. Although we don’t it when Mark Zuckerberg can check out our profiles on Facebook- we all use it anyways knowing that at anytime. Working enviorments also keep tabs on our computers. Monitoring what we can and cannot view on the internet.
Now we can all complain but when a company is paying your paycheck it is hard to complain. Obviously our boss or CMU cant go crazy with power setting limitations and turn Big Brother on all of us. I don’t want someone watching what I look up on the internet and I am sure none of you do either. As long as they are reasonable it is fine. When they start limiting my ability to use Facebook or watch the latest episode of Flash Forward that’s when I get angry. I need my Flash Forward.