Focus on Professional Learning Communities State Personnel Development Grant D. Ahrens 5/10/2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Focus on Professional Learning Communities State Personnel Development Grant D. Ahrens 5/10/2013

What do we want our students to learn?  Reading and Math Literacy  Common Core State Standards  College and Career Ready with IEPs

 Statewide assessments  District assessments  Grade level /subject assessments  Classroom assessments  Individual assessments How do we know when students have learned? Smarter Balanced Assessments with IEPs

What is our response when students have difficulty learning? with IEPs 2+ (4x6)= 48

WI Reading: SwD vs. SwoD

WI Mathematics: SwD vs. SwoD

WI Reading: SwD vs. SwoD

WI Mathematics: SwD vs. SwoD

Grant Schools Cohort up to 26 grants awarded Using Professional Learning Communities to ensure that all students learn Wisconsin State Personnel Development Grant

Why was our school chosen to apply for this grant? You may have already won…….or…

 very low subgroup performance for students with disabilities, or  significant gaps between the student with disabilities subgroup and the statewide averages for the students with disabilities subgroup on statewide assessments.  in the area of reading or math Eligible Applicants

 Ensure that all students learn by designing strategies to provide any student who does not meet learning objectives with timely and effective interventions  Create a systematic process in which teachers work together to analyze and improve classroom practice  Results-oriented Why Professional Learning Communities?

 Focus on learning  Achieve common goal s related to classroom  Collective inquiry  Action oriented  Commitment to continuous improvement  Results driven  Shared interest  Share information/  discussions  Repertoire of resources  Activities  Creates connections  Multiple benefits from professional networking to synergistic problem solving Community of Practice (CoP) Professional Learning Community (PLC)

 Ensuring that ALL students learn  A culture of collaboration  A focus on results Three BIG Ideas of PLC’s

 What do we want students to learn?  How do we know when students have learned it?  How do we respond when a student experiences difficulty in learning?  How do we respond when a student has mastered the learning? The Four Questions:

Our own BIG IDEAS When implemented with fidelity, the Professional Learning Community framework supports a collaborative culture of continuous improvement. This collaborative culture can have a significant impact on educational outcomes for students with IEPs. Answering the questions:

School site PLC WDPI coaches IHE research & collaborative WI-FACETS ECCAN Online virtual community Collaborative partners Student with IEP Wrap- Around Circles of Support

 Identify your student with disabilities population  Identify your focus for improving educational outcomes (reading or math based on school data)  Use PLC framework to review meaningful data and research evidence-based strategies  Develop an action plan  Implement plan  Study the results and continue the cycle of continuous improvement Professional Learning Community *for more detailed description of required activities and expected outcomes refer to NOFA ( your school name here )’s

 Develop a cycle of continuous improvement using site data to create action plans that improve student outcomes  Develop a deep collaboration with a grant partner intended to extend beyond the life of the grant  Develop common formative assessments  Increase family engagement  Use school data as a discussion point when developing Effective Educator Plans  Become catalysts for developing additional professional learning communities both in the school and district Highlights of Expected Outcomes

Eight hours of coaching each month (days and times determined collaboratively between coach and site) PLC specific training (PLC Toolkit from Solution Tree TM is provided for each site – including one CEU course )  Assist principals to enlist staff who will be drivers of culture change school-wide  Assist PLC members to build capacity using the PLC model  Provide technical assistance and support as staff increase their knowledge and skill  Foster connections between PLCs and grant partners  Provide small group professional development sessions to PLC members Professional Learning Community COACHES

 Will make connections to grant schools through research in evidence-based practices that are shared for the purpose of contributing to improved student outcomes  Connections can be through the virtual community or through partnership projects  Meet with representatives from grant schools at the 2014 IHE Summer Institute Institutions of Higher Education IHE

 Provides specific training for families surrounding the interpretation of data and serving on collaborative decision making groups  Family mentors in selected schools will use achievement data to assist families as they implement home-based interventions in order to increase achievement in reading and math Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education, Training and Support WI FACETS (family engagement)

 Provide training specific to early childhood outcomes  Connect to resources to support EC students with IEPs  Support effective early intervention strategies as part of the school’s action plan Early Childhood Curriculum and Assessment Network ECCAN

The Virtual Community Discussion Boards Links to Resources/ Evidence-Based Practices Link/upload grant data Webinars/ Training Modules Share and grow with 26 school sites Community Calendar

any questions on Project Design Requirements Expectations? Let’s pause for just a second……

 Determine focus of PLC - reading or math (based on grant eligibility data contact  Invite key members based on grant focus and grant requirements  Gain commitment from members and district leadership  Develop a calendar of meeting times for the upcoming school year– weekly is optimal  Identify challenges to implementation So you want to apply for the grant?

Application Questions 1.How do you anticipate that your school’s PLC will provide the opportunity for special education teachers, regular education teachers, and administrators to function as members of a collaborative culture that uses agreed upon student achievement goals to focus student learning and expand professional development directed to student needs? (BE SURE TO INCLUDE INFORMATION ABOUT ANY ACTIVITIES, INITIATIVES AND COLLABORATIONS THAT ARE CURRENLTLY IN PLACE) 2. Determine PLC membership 3.What is the status of family engagement in your school, related to improving outcomes for students with disabilities and what are your plans for building upon this? 4.Briefly summarize how your school anticipates using additional funds provided by the SPDG to establish or enhance your schools' PLC to work on activities.

Application can be completed electronically and submitted by Follow up with PDF or fax of signature page APPLICATIONS DUE BY JUNE 15

Applications will be reviewed by the Special Education Team and chosen for funding using these priorities:  Need based on current achievement data for students with disabilities  Composition of proposed Professional Learning Community  Ability to support scope and objectives of the SPDG  Ability to engage collaboratively with grant partners/current partnerships  Support of school governing board and district level administration Grants will be awarded in early August

Budget will be developed with district administrators + WDPI following the award of the grant BUDGET Release time for staff to attend PLC meetings or observe peers Materials for professional development related to action plan Site visits to approved model schools Annual attendance at IHE Summer Institute Additional activities mutually determined by SPDG staff and site

Additional Q and A session scheduled for Wednesday, May 29, :00 PM-2:30 PM Project Director contact info: Debra Ahrens (608) (800) Questions??