Analyzing Common Formative Assessments
ON TARGET 2 Today’s Learning Targets ✓ I can explain common formative assessments. ✓ I can identify quality common formative assessments. ✓ I can use common formative assessments to inform and direct PLC teams.
ON TARGET 3 From The Leadership and Learning Center, 2009 Why Formative Assessments? The Research Conclusions: Five reviews synthesizing 4000 research studies conducted over 40 years concluded: “When well-implemented, formative assessment can effectively double the speed of learning.” Dylan Wiliam, Educational Leadership, December 2007/ January 2008, p.36
ON TARGET 5 DuFour, DuFour, Eaker, Many, 2010, p.63 An Assessment is Formative When… ‣ It identifies students struggling to learn a standard or target ‣ It gives students additional time and support to learn the standard or target ‣ Students receive reteaching, intervention, and enhancement
ON TARGET 6 Formative Assessment
ON TARGET 7 Formative Assessment
ON TARGET 8 What are Common Formative Assessments? ‣ Common - Given by all teachers on a grade level or in the same content area ‣ Formative - Provides data to inform and guide planning and instruction ‣ Assessment - Provides formative rather than summative information Cook & Negron, 2009
ON TARGET 9 Common Formative Assessments Criteria ‣ Develop in PLCs ‣ Align to unwrapped standards and learning targets ‣ Design collaboratively pre- and post- common formative assessments ‣ Create a rubric to establish criteria for proficiency ‣ Given by all teachers on a grade level or same content area ‣ Analyze results with PLC ‣ Reteach and provide intervention to promote student mastery of learning ‣ Enrich, extend, and enhance learning for students who demonstrate mastery ‣ Repeat the entire process Larry Ainsworth, Center for Performance Assessment, 2006
ON TARGET 10 Creating Common Formative Assessments
ON TARGET 11 Standards Based Criteria for Proficiency Intervention Data Analysis Enhancement
ON TARGET 12 Standards Based Criteria for Proficiency Data Analysis Intervention Enhancement
ON TARGET 13 Intervention Standards Based Criteria for Proficiency Data Analysis Enhancement