How Effective PLCs Can Create Transformative Momentum Wylie ISD Kerry Gain, Director of Secondary Curriculum Joei Shermer, Director of Wylie ISD Suburb north of Dallas in Collin County 14,500 students 19 campuses (20 in ) Cities of Wylie, Murphy, and Sachse Economically Disadvantaged at 27.5% Year 4 of TRS (CSCOPE) Summer 2011 October 2014 October 2014 July 2011 October 2014 July 2011 D D ata-Driven Decisions R R igorous and Relevant Instruction I I ndividualized Learning V V aluable Professional Development E E ffective Leadership STAAR District Checkpoint TRS Unit Assessments Type: Summative Frequency: Once per year Timing: End of the first semester Content: 2014 STAAR Released Test Purpose: Evaluate first semester mastery and predict performance on second semester content Data Collection: District and campus; feedback provided to students and parents K-6 Grading: No grades recorded 7-12 Grading: Grades recorded** Type: Formative/Summative Frequency: Based on YAG Timing: End of each unit Content: Items selected from TRS assessment bank*; all readiness and supporting standards from IFD must be assessed; aligned to STAAR Blueprint; assessment created by learning specialists with input from teachers Purpose: drive instructional decisions and verify implementation of curriculum Data Collection: District and campus; feedback provided to students and parents K-6 Grading: No grades recorded 7-12 Grading: Grades recorded** Campus Assessments Type: Formative Frequency: TRS Performance Assessments at least once per unit K-6; minimum 2 per nine weeks 7-12 Timing: Campus/Teacher discretion Content: TRS Performance Assessments/Teacher Created; determined by IFD Purpose: drive instructional decisions Data Collection: Campus; feedback provided to students and parents K- 12 Grading: Teacher discretion Wylie ISD Assessment Plan *The TRS assessment bank will be visible to all TRS users for the purposes of transparency and awareness. Classroom teachers MAY NOT use TRS assessment bank items in classroom instruction or assessment. **Grading requirements have been established by the secondary principals. These requirements must be followed by all secondary campuses. Spring 2012 Summer 2012 Non-negotiable in Wylie with input for revisions accepted Summer 2013 Local District A Local District B Local District C Local District D Local District E Summer 2013 “The most promising strategy for sustained, substantive school improvement is building the capacity of school personnel to function as a Professional Learning Community.” Dr. Richard DuFour Summer 2013
Building Capacity – SY Setting Expectations – PLC time, focus, and space Modeling Tools and Resources at Monthly Leadership Meetings District Protocol Tool – minimum expectation to guide the work of collaborative teams at district campuses. Central Office Team attended RtI at Work Institute – began aligning district RtI Plan GUARANTEED & VIABLE CURRICULUM 1. What is it we expect students to learn? QUALITY ASSESSMENT – EFFECTIVELY USED 2. How will we know when they have learned it? PYRAMID RESPONSE to INTERVENTION 3. How will we respond when they don’t learn? 4. How will we respond when they already know it? The Four (4) Critical Questions of Learning WISD Data Protocol
Student Data Card “Meet” some of our kids Bring on the color
You’re not done… You’re done with this assignment Dr. Debra Pickering What Works in Schools When setting objectives and providing feedback are used in the classroom, achievement improves an average of 23% Dr. Robert Marzano Dr. Debra Pickering Rick Wormeli Building Capacity – SY April 2015 Joei Shermer Kerry Gain Thank you!