A Kentucky Story A transition from compliance to effective implementation of SGGs 1
SMART Proficiency component & Growth component One classroom of students, one content area Specific, Measureable, Appropriate, Realistic, Time-Bound How will proficiency be defined for the enduring learning? What defines ‘expected’ growth? …4 th grade Math students… …2 nd period Art II students… …4 th grade Math students… …2 nd period Art II students… The Basics of a Goal: 2
Lessons Learned… In Kentucky, we began with the “what” Written examples of goals Examples of enduring learning for content areas We learned that this implementation method fell short in changing practice or getting beyond a ‘compliance’ level of understanding Jenny Ray, PGES Consultant (KDE) 3
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Practice the Process: Is this goal ‘good enough’? All of my 3 rd grade math students will develop their ability to understand multiplication and division conceptually over the course of the school year. All students will grow at least one level on the 3 rd grade critical area standards mastery pathway and 80% of students will reach proficiency (level 4 on the rubric). (Note: The 8 math practices, each where appropriate, will be intentionally embedded to reach the rigor of the standards.) 4
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Practice the Process: Is this goal ‘good enough’? All of my 3 rd grade math students will develop their ability to understand multiplication and division conceptually over the course of the school year. All students will grow at least one level on the 3 rd grade critical area standards mastery pathway and 80% of students will reach proficiency (level 4 on the rubric). (Note: The 8 math practices, each where appropriate, will be intentionally embedded to reach the rigor of the standards.) 5
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Practice the Process: Is this goal ‘good enough’? All of my 3 rd grade math students will develop their ability to understand multiplication and division conceptually over the course of the school year. All students will grow at least one level on the 3 rd grade critical area standards mastery pathway and 80% of students will reach proficiency (level 4 on the rubric). (Note: The 8 math practices, each where appropriate, will be intentionally embedded to reach the rigor of the standards.) 6
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Practice the Process: Is this goal ‘good enough’? All of my 3 rd grade math students will develop their ability to understand multiplication and division conceptually over the course of the school year. All students will grow at least one level on the 3 rd grade critical area standards mastery pathway and 80% of students will reach proficiency (level 4 on the rubric). (Note: The 8 math practices, each where appropriate, will be intentionally embedded to reach the rigor of the standards.) Jenny Ray, PGES Consultant (KDE) 7
Questions to Consider… Jenny Ray, PGES Consultant (KDE) 8
Lessons Learned… It is not only about the ‘what’…it is about the ‘how’ We learned that the process does not end with having a goal ‘approved.’ There is more to showing growth than comparing one pre-test with one post-test. Formatively assessing standards as day-to-day best practice became the vehicle for tracking progress toward meeting the goal and for reflecting on teaching effectiveness. Jenny Ray, PGES Consultant (KDE) 9
One Sample Process… 3 rd Grade Teachers’ SGG Story 10
Jenny Ray, PGES Consultant (KDE) 11
Jenny Ray, PGES Consultant (KDE) 12
Jenny Ray, PGES Consultant (KDE) 13
At the beginning of the year, building on what teachers were already using to track progress… Jenny Ray, PGES Consultant (KDE) 14
At the beginning of the year, building on what teachers were already using to track progress… Jenny Ray, PGES Consultant (KDE) 15
Pathway Development A Pathway from where students are to where they need to be. Jenny Ray, PGES Consultant (KDE) 16
Rubric/Pathway Development and Baseline Data Analysis Jenny Ray, PGES Consultant (KDE) 20
Jenny Ray, PGES Consultant (KDE) 21
Jenny Ray, PGES Consultant (KDE) 22
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Practice the Process: Is this goal ‘good enough’? All of my 3 rd grade math students will develop their ability to understand multiplication and division conceptually over the course of the school year. All students will grow at least one level on the 3 rd grade critical area standards mastery pathway and 80% of students will reach proficiency (level 4 on the pathway). (Note: The 8 math practices, each where appropriate, will be intentionally embedded to reach the rigor of the standards.) 23
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Practice the Process: All of my 3 rd grade math students will develop their ability to understand multiplication and division conceptually over the course of the school year. All students will grow at least TWO levels on the 3 rd grade critical area standards mastery pathway and 60% of students will reach proficiency (level 4 on the pathway). (Note: The 8 math practices, each where appropriate, will be intentionally embedded to reach the rigor of the standards.) 24
From Compliance to Effective Implementation 1.Determine the standards that will inform progress toward the enduring learning. 2.Determine proficiency for the enduring learning. 3.Determine the progression of standards, or the progression to proficiency (e.g. systematic removal of supports). 4.Develop and use a system of continuous assessment to track growth toward proficiency all year long. 25
Questions to Consider Baseline information (red/yellow/green) Pathway Progression Baseline Data Summary (names of Ss) Training Resources : Jenny Ray, PGES Consultant (KDE) 26