Contrast Study Preparation For each of the contrast studies below, list the equipment that you would place on the tray for the veterinary surgeon –Myelogram –Intravenous urography –Double contrast cystogram on a cat –Retrograde urethrogram on a dog
Equipment Provided Scrub prep kit Gloves Spinal needle Foley catheter Bladder catheter IV cannula Kidney dish Sample pots Urografin 150 Omnipaque 300 Conray 420 Pad to elevate head Selection of syringes Needles to draw up contrast medium Saline flush
Myelogram Scrub prep kit Gloves Spinal needle Omnipaque 300 5ml syringe / needle to draw up contrast medium Sample pots Pad to elevate head
Intravenous Urography IV cannula Conray ml syringe / needle to draw up contrast Saline flush Bladder catheter Kidney dish Sample pots
Double Contrast Cystogram on a cat Bladder catheter Kidney dish Sample pots Urografin 150 5ml syringe / needle to draw up contrast 5ml syringe containing air
Retrograde Urethrogram on a dog Bladder catheter Kidney dish Sample pots Foley catheter Syringe with air to inflate catheter balloon Urografin ml syringe / needle to draw up contrast medium