CLEAN Wash hands – 20 seconds, hot water, soap, friction Tie back hair, wear an apron Don’t cross contaminate Keep a clean workplace – Mise en place Wear gloves when needed Wash cans before opening
Guidelines for Gloves Wash hands properly before and after wearing or changing to a new pair of gloves Use gloves before handling ready-to-eat foods such as salads, fruits, sandwiches or breads Use gloves that fit properly and that are designed for the task at hand Change gloves whenever tasks change, such as working with raw meats to making sandwiches or whenever an employee leaves his/her workstation Sneezing, coughing or touching one's hair or face with a gloved hand all require handwashing and a new pair of gloves Because perspiration and bacteria buildup under gloves, wash hands and switch to a fresh pair periodically Put On The Gloves!
COOK Use thermometer to check temperatures DO NOT PARTIALLY COOK FOOD Reheat leftovers to 165 F Use clean, fresh, unbroken eggs Do not eat raw cookie dough Change utensils – do not cross contaminate
SEPARATE Be careful when storing food – separate meat and poultry from other foods No tasting (use a tasting spoon) and no licking fingers Clean utensils often – do not cross contaminate Separate hand towels from dish towels Store non-perishables carefully – to avoid bugs and rodents
CHILL Keep cold foods below 41 degrees F Do not allow food to sit out more than 2 hours – 2 hour rule Refrigerate leftovers promptly Thaw frozen food in refrigerator When cooling large amounts use ice bath or break down into smaller containers Do not refreeze thawed food