Fish Habitat Enhancement
Fish Habitat Enhancement: Bass Provide near shore cover for young bass Provide near shore cover for young bass –Fell trees into water –Rock piles, cribbing –Submerged vegetation Voluntary bass sanctuaries can have negative impacts Voluntary bass sanctuaries can have negative impacts –Some studies have shown higher hooking marks in voluntary sanctuaries vs rest of near shore areas –Conflicts with anglers fishing for other species Best bets might be to signage & handout/mail out material that makes anglers aware of bass nest guarding traits during spawning period and promoting quick release at site Best bets might be to signage & handout/mail out material that makes anglers aware of bass nest guarding traits during spawning period and promoting quick release at site
Fish Habitat Enhancement: Northern Pike Maintain spring water levels in spawning areas & access to spawning areas Maintain spring water levels in spawning areas & access to spawning areas Minimize prop wash from boat traffic in streams with pike spawning habitat during early spring period Minimize prop wash from boat traffic in streams with pike spawning habitat during early spring period
Fish Habitat Enhancement: What lake association can do? Identify potential walleye and lake trout spawning areas Identify potential walleye and lake trout spawning areas Get permission from adjacent landowners Get permission from adjacent landowners Get permits from Conservation Authorities and/or Dep. Of Fisheries & Oceans (can be same), Transport Canada. Get permits from Conservation Authorities and/or Dep. Of Fisheries & Oceans (can be same), Transport Canada. Confirm water levels and access during spring period Confirm water levels and access during spring period Provide volunteers and equipment to place rock Provide volunteers and equipment to place rock Provide volunteers and boats to confirm lake trout sites Provide volunteers and boats to confirm lake trout sites
Fish Habitat Enhancement: How can Stewardship Council’s help? Help with getting permission & permits Help with getting permission & permits Secure funding through various opportunities such as CFWIP (Feb. 1 st deadline) Secure funding through various opportunities such as CFWIP (Feb. 1 st deadline) Once lake association has identified potential sites, accompany reps on site visits to put together fish habitat enhancement plan (2-5 year plan) Once lake association has identified potential sites, accompany reps on site visits to put together fish habitat enhancement plan (2-5 year plan) Provide assistance with confirmation gill netting for lake trout Provide assistance with confirmation gill netting for lake trout Provide Stewardship Rangers to help move rock, when available in July & August Provide Stewardship Rangers to help move rock, when available in July & August