Drexel, June InterMedia, University of Oslo InterMedia: Design, communication and learning – in digital environments New research school: fall 2004– sociocultural perspectives on learning, communication and ICT (9 students) Networks’- Kaleidoscope, Nordic, University level: Strategic program Socio-cultural perspective ICT and learning research group Anders Mørch – computer science, design etc. Sten- Educational psychology 8-10 PhD students, 2 post docs Mostly studies in the educational sector, a few in workplaces Projects: all based on the socio-cultural approach Dialogism (6) (science, social science, language, art history, teacher education) Activity theory (2) (teacher education)
Drexel, June Institutional perspective Socio-cultural perspective Guiding research question: What counts as knowledge – in a practice (and across practices) Learning trajectory Constituted by interactional achievement and participation structures Talk and artifacts Prompting and scaffolding tools Methodological orientation: Ethnography with Interaction analysis (video data + ….)
Drexel, June Institutional perspective Assumptions: Students has: different interests, multiple goals, multiple voices – in schools as institutions and in activities in general– multiplicity and cultural diversity Accountability from student perspective and other perspectives
Drexel, June Institutional perspective Development: The idea of higher order knowledge and skills The relationships and transformation of everyday and scientific concepts Computer tools that can contribute to prompt, scaffold and structuring of learning activities Structuring of learning environment in different knowledge domains
Drexel, June Fle Categories Fle2-supported inquiry set (basic categories) Problem My working theory Reliable knowledge Uncertain knowledge Our specialization of “deepening knowledge”
Drexel, June Institutional perspective Socio-genetic perspective Institutional – talk and artifacts - individual development What counts as knowledge for the participants? Artifacts: prompts’ and categorization
Drexel, June Contribution to Unit of analysis and levels of description Institutional history and moment by moment interaction (different data types) Learning trajectory Interactional achievement and participations structures Figure-ground in multiple level analysis Does institutional aspects disappear in online environments?
Drexel, June Institutional perspective Publications: Ludvigsen, S. & Mørch, A. (2003). CATEGORISATION IN KNOWLEDGE BUILDING. Task specific argumentation in a co-located CSCL environment. In Wasson, B., Ludvigsen, S. & Hoppe, U. (Eds.) Designing for Change in Networked Learning Environments.Amsterdam, Kluwer Ludvigsen, S. (in press). What counts as knowledge: Learning to use categories in computer environments. In Säljö, R. (Ed.). ICT and Transformation of Learning Practices.