Las Reglas Para La Clase De Español
Class Objectives In Spanish 3 we will cover chapters 6 to 12 in the level 2 book. In Spanish 1 we will cover chapters 1 to 7 in the level 1 book. The course will consist of listening, reading, speaking and writing objectives in Spanish. Appreciation of cultural diversity is expected and appreciated.
Grading Policy Major Assessments Chapter Tests30% Quizzes20% Minor Assessments Projects25% Homework15% Writing/Participation10%
Materials Covered Spanish Text Notebook: Binder or Spiral A folder for loose papers. Pens/Pencils
Attendance Attendance will be taken every day. If you are late, a discipline form will be submitted. If you are late to class make sure you bring a pass from a teacher or administrator. Assignments are due upon your return. Any assignments missed while absent must be made up per district policy. Per district policy a student has 2 days per absence. Make it up as quickly as possible so you don’t fall further behind. All assignments will be posted daily on Schoolwires. It is the students responsibility to find out what assignments were missed while absent.
Student Responsibilties Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. No standing at the door or in the hallway. Always come prepared and have a positive attitude. Participate and listen. Please do not talk while I am teaching. Electronic devices are permitted in class to do research and to use the word translator. Students are not allowed to text or talk on the phones at any time!
Food and drink are not allowed in class. You may have a bottle of water. Dismissal is by the teacher, not the bell. Do not pack up your books before we are done with our work.
Homework Homework will be given every day. It is a way to help you practice the concepts we are learning in class. It helps you learn vocabulary, it reinforces language rules and gives you a chance to practice and use what you are learning.
Makeup Work When you are absent due to illness or other reason you must get your make-up work as soon as you return. A list of daily work will be posted on the school website, Schoolwires. Homework due on the day you were absent is due the day you return. Missing tests and quizzes must be made up within a reasonable time period.
Contact Info WHS World Language Office: WHS Main: