XI BALTIC SEA NGO FORUM Tolerance and Cultural Diversity in the Region of Baltic Sea April 16-17, 2013 St.Petersburg.


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Presentation transcript:

XI BALTIC SEA NGO FORUM Tolerance and Cultural Diversity in the Region of Baltic Sea April 16-17, 2013 St.Petersburg

Forum supported by:

The task OF THE FORUM To discuss joint opportunities of NGOs, governments and authorities, Academia in creating effective mechanisms for promotion of traditions of tolerance as a means to combat tendencies of radicalism, extremism and xenophobia

PLENARY MEETINGS Role of Public Diplomacy in the international cooperation On Youth Affairs in the Baltic Sea Region Legal framework and financial instruments for people-to-people cooperation in BSR

THEMATIC WORKING SESSIONS Multicultural Societies – challenges and solutions Social inclusion, basic demand for stabile society Environment unites people Emerging EUSBSR Horizontal Action "Neighbours": Possibilities for NGOs to participate in the framework of SEBA and the Turku process

ROUND TABLES Baltic Sea Networking in Refugee Aid

Funding available for NGOs in BS EU Northern Dimension EU ENPI Nordic Council of Ministers NGO PROGRAM National foundations and structures in the BS countries

OBSTACKLES Limited access to financial recourses and support – lack of systematical and permanent support Absence of common fund for NGOs from all BSR Complicated fundraising and procedure of applying for funds, bureaucracy Lack of informational exchange Lack of cooperation with other sectors and inclusion of NGOs Weak support from governmental side

What is needed? Recognition of huge potential and importance of cooperation between BSR’s NGOs as an integral part of the international cooperation in the region Inclusion of NGOs into the BSR’s projects and programs (national, regional, municipal levels) Opportunities for joint activities in the framework of the EU BS Strategy and Northern Dimension with clear definition of the space, place and roll of NGOs in that collaboration To improve interaction between NGO and GO of BSR on permanent basis (through CBSS as an opportunity) To foresee the common funding available for the common projects and activities for NGOs from all countries of the BS region To facilitate visa regime