Fig. 1
a b Fig. 2 Maximum number of GUS foci / explant Portion of Leaf % Regenerating explants b Kanamycin concentration in mg l-1 a % Regeneration inhibition % Regenerating explants Maximum number of GUS foci / explant Fig. 2
a b c d Fig. 3
c a b d Fig. 4 % Regenerating explants Maximum number of GUS foci / explant Bacterial Density at OD600 b % Regenerating explants Maximum number of GUS foci / explant Co-inoculation duration in minutes % Regenerating explants Maximum number of GUS foci / explant % Regenerating explants Maximum number of GUS foci / explant d % Regenerating explants Maximum number of GUS foci / explant Co-cultivation duration in days c % Regenerating explants Maximum number of GUS foci / explant Acetosyringone concentration in µM % Regenerating explants Maximum number of GUS foci / explant % Regenerating explants Maximum number of GUS foci / explant Fig. 4
b a c d j k h i f g e l m n o Fig. 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 +C -C M 1 2 3 4 5 6 +C -C M 720 bp 600 bp a b Withanolide A Withanone Withaferin A 1 2 3 c Fig. 6
XbaI HindIII BamHI EcoRI SacI SalI BamHI SalI LB RB Pnos nptII Tnos P35S Intron-gusA Tnos P35S hptII Tnos Supplementary Fig. 1 Schematic representation of chimeric vector pIG121Hm used in Withania coagulans transformation. LB left border; Pnos nopaline synthase promoter; nptII neomycin phosphotransferase gene; Tnos nopaline synthase terminator; P35S CaMV Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S promoter; gusA intron containing β-glucuronidase gene; hptII hygromycin phosphotransferase gene and RB right border of T-DNA.