W A V E Women Against Violence Europe Regina Webhofer :: P R O T E C T :: good practice in preventing serious violence, attempted homicides, including crimes in the name of honour and in protecting high risk victims of gender based violence
The European WAVE Network is structured by 92 Focal Points in 47 European countries at the regional and national level. coordinated by the WAVE office which is located in Vienna. comprises approximately 4000 women's organisations for combating violence against women and children in Europe: shelters, helplines, counselling centres, intervention centres
WAVE activities WAVE database at the WAVE Website WAVE Trainings & Study Visit WAVE Conference – 16 October :: in Warsaw European Projects “Bridging Gaps - Models of Coordination between women's NGOs and state authorities”
WAVE publications All WAVE publications are available for free at
:: P R O T E C T :: :: P R O T E C T :: good practice in preventing serious violence, attempted homicides, including crimes in the name of honour and in protecting high risk victims of gender based violence PROTECT is financed by the European Commission within the Daphne-Programme PROTECT is co-financed by Project duration: –
PROTECT :: partners & advisory board members 12 Partner organisation from 9 different countries Bulgaria :: Slovakia :: Czech Republic Italy :: Croatia :: Spain United Kingdom :: Germany :: Austria 7 members of the advisory board
PROTECT :: aims contributing to the prevention and reduction of the most serious forms of gender based violence protection of high risk victims focused on intimate partner violence
Victims of High Risk Women and their children are affected by severe forms of violence such as: femicide / homicide attempted femicide / homicide violence that causes grievous bodily harm and health problems crimes committed in the name of honour
Across the EU countries one-fifth to one-quarter of all women have experienced physical violence at least once during their adult lives the majority of such violent acts are carried out by men in their immediate social environment, most often by partners and ex-partners PROTECT :: violence against women 55 women were killed by their partner in Spain in women were murdered by their partner in Spain until (Hagemann-White, Carol: Combating violence against women; Stocktaking study on the measures and actions taken in Council of Europe member states, Council of Europe, Equality Division, Directorate General of Human Rights, Strasbourg: 2006, p 7.) Femicide is mostly the tragical end of a long violent relation. There are often precursing signs and issues which are not taken serious and go untreated. (Ficha estadística de víctimas mortales por violencia de género: disposition&blobheadervalue1=inline&blobkey=id&blobtable=MungoBlobs&blobwhere= &ssbinary=truehttp:// /ss/Satellite?blobcol=urldata&blobheader=application%2Fpdf&blobheadername1=Content- disposition&blobheadervalue1=inline&blobkey=id&blobtable=MungoBlobs&blobwhere= &ssbinary=true, )
PROTECT :: activities analysis on availability of gender-sensitive statistic on homicides/femicides and attempted homicides/femicides at national and European level :: to uncover violence against women and raise awareness on femicides :: to collect important information in order to increase the protection of women and their children affected at a high risk of severe forms of violence research on existing Risk Assessment Models :: to identify, protect and support women and their children who are at a high risk of life-threatening forms of violence :: researching about current risk assessment practices :: identifying models of good practise in the EU countries
PROTECT :: Co-operation Partner & Expert Group Meetings.: Vienna :: Madrid :: Bristol :. (March :: May :: October) :: national and international exchange of expertise :: discussion distribution of information.: PROTECT Online Resource Centre.: Final Report :: in 8 languages
PROTECT II 18 partner organizations from 13 countries 8 advisory board members (researchers, judge) Aim: development of a manual for risk assessment based on a multi-agency approach Gender Stat: Guidelines for systematic and reliable data generation Train the Trainer seminars: in Sweden and regional trainings in different countries March 2011 Kick-Off Meeting in Vienna Dec Public Final Conference