CERIF Interoperability and LOD Miguel-Angel Sicilia TG LOD leader, euroCRIS
Interoperability: levels and purposes Transferring from one place to another or combining information while retaining meaning Some important facts: –Semantics are in the CERIF model –The LOD is not adding by itself any semantics, only exposing in a different format. So the LOD “ontologies” are no other thing than a RDF expression of CERIF. –Improvement in semantics should go either directly to the CERIF relational model or to some “extended” ontology
Reasons to share CERIF data For the benefit of the public –Applications collecting maps of science combining heterogeneous sources of information. For intelligent applications –Applications relating patterns of scientific production with the geospatial or disciplinary structure of countries. For partners that need the data transferred for internal processing –E.g. National Agency asks a University for the journal publication production per Department to benchmark and assign funding.. For partners that need on-line access to data. –E.g. a third party creates a Gmail extension that shows you some information on your contacts by accessing public RIS on-line. For translating data between schemas –E.g. to translate CERIF data into VIVO RDF.
Specification view CERIF model (SQL + E/R) CERIF Interchange (XML+BODs) CERIF REST interface (JSON) CERIF base vocabularies/ontologies (RDF) CERIF LOD (RDF) CERIF extended ontologies (OWL) CERIF mappings CERIF Conformance testing
Activity in 2012 This year: –VOA3R implementation (excl. bibliographical data). –Mapping of VIVO and CERIF at the CERIF model level. To-do: –Publish the base ontologies (and VIVO mapping) in EuroCRIS domain. –Finalize and publish the LOD recommendations. –Publish the package to expose CERIF data as LOD using D2RQ (config. Files + install manual). –Specs revised and augmented by ENGAGE.
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