Chapter 9: Local Government Section 1: Units of Local Government Section 2: Town, Township, and Village Governments Section 3: City Government Section 4: How Governments Work Together
Section 1: Key Terms Municipality City County Sheriff Charter Ordinances
Establishing Local Governments Local governments are made up of municipalities Unit of local government that is incorporated by the state and that has a large degree of self- government It can include a state’s cities, towns, villages, and boroughs Ex. Municipality of Kingston
The Need for Local Governments Local govts. provide services that make our daily life easier Garbage pickup, snow removal, etc. Police, fire protection Water Conservation A city is the largest type of municipality. Bonus: Name the 4 cities that are in Luzerne County
County Governments The highest level of local government is the county. A county is a division of state govt. formed to carry out state laws, collect taxes, and supervise elections in a small area
County Govts. (cont’d) Names vary for the head of county governments County Board, Board of Commissioners, County Supervisors Power to pass laws regarding health and safety, collect real estate taxes, sales tax, and personal property taxes
Luzerne County Council Jim Bobeck Edward Brominski Elaine Maddon Curry Harry Haas Linda McClosky Houck Eugene Kelleher Tim McGinley Rick Morelli Stephen A. Urban Stephen J. Urban Rick Williams
County Govts. (cont’d) County officials are elected by the people of that specific county Sheriff is in charge of county law enforcement Not so much in Luzerne County Coroner Clerk of Courts Treasurer Recorder of Deeds
Governments Work Together The duties of local governments are usually outline in state-approved charters. Charter is a basic plan for a local government unit that defines its powers, responsibilities, and organization. The main job of the local govt. is to take care of its people. That is why they pass ordinances or regulations that govern a community.
Section 1: Assessment Why can local governments provide some services more efficiently than state governments can? In what ways do counties support state governments?
Town, township, and village governments Section 2 Town, township, and village governments
Section 2: Key Terms Town Town Meeting Township Special District
Town Government Towns first developed as New England colonists built churches and homes A town is a unit of local government, usually larger than a village and smaller than a city. Bonus Question: What is the only town in Pennsylvania?
Town Government (Cont’d) Early on in New England, they created a powerful form of local govt. called the town meeting A town meeting is where all citizens meet regularly to discuss town issues. Meeting dates vary based on the town.
Townships, Special Districts, Villages In states like NY, NJ, and PA, they used a special form of govt. called a township. Townships are located in rural areas with that cover large areas of uninhabited land. Most township governments have decreased in importance as cities have taken over many of the governmental responsibilities.
Townships, Special Districts, Villages People in a certain area may have a special need and directly go to the state legislature and ask for a charter to set up a special district. A unit of govt. formed to meet many different needs
Kind Purpose Town To govern an area smaller than a city but larger than a village Townships, Special Districts Township: to perform a variety of local functions Special District: to meet an area’s specific need Villages, Boroughs To provide services in a growing rural area
Section 2: Assessment Why did town meetings develop? What is the role of the state in the creation of towns and boroughs? When do rural areas become villages or boroughs?
Section 3 City Government
Section 3: Key Terms Home Rule City Council Mayor Commission
Home Rule Organization City sizes vary for place to place Traditionally cities received their charters form state legislatures. However states have been granting cities an authority called home rule. Under this, a city can write and amend its own municipal charter Luzerne County is now under home rule.
Forms of City Government Mayor-Council (Weak Mayor In a weak mayor plan, the mayor has no veto power with all the members of council. A weak mayor’s vote may act as a tie breaker. Mayor-Council (Strong Mayor In the strong mayor plan, the mayor has veto power on the decisions of the council. Mayors also appoint city officials and have power of the city budget. Commission In the commission plan, each council member is in charge of a different city department. The mayor’s vote carries the same weight as each of the commissioners votes Council-Manager A city manager is appointed by city council to run the city departments. The mayor leads the city politically, and the manager directs the city’s day to day operations
Section 3: Assessment How is a mayor-council government organized? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the council-manager form of government?
How governments work together Section 4 How governments work together
Section 4: Key Terms Grants-in-Aid Block Grants
Building Roads Together In the late 1800s, NJ became the 1st state to use state funds to improve roads It wasn’t until 1956, that President Eisenhower created the Interstate Highway System Based off of the German Autobahn 46,000 miles of highway Federally funded
Federal Government Programs Federal govt. ensures the cooperation of state and local govts. By providing funds to implement important programs Grants-in-Aid are federal funds given to state and local govts. for specific projects. Ex. Airport construction and pollution control Must meet certain standards Must provide some money of their own to the project Supervised by the Federal Government
Federal Government Programs Block grants are funds given by the Federal govt. to state and local govts. but are given for broadly defined purposes. State and local govts. develop and carry out the programs and determine how the money is spent However, they must establish a spending plan and report expenditures to the federal government.
State and Local Governments State and Local officials work together in many aspects Education Health and Public Safety Banking Regulations Licensing Accountants, Dentists, Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Nurses, Teachers, and other professionals
Section 4: Assessment Government decisions at any level must not conflict with what national document? Although all levels of government are involved in education, which government level actually controls the schools? Why?