The Roman Empire Julius and Augustus Caesar
A “Man of the People” Julius Caesar was a victorious General and politician who used bread and circuses to win power. He enacted reforms that helped plebeians at the expense of the Patricians He gives land to the poor Forces Patricians to hire people Gives tax breaks to plebeian merchant Makes all Italians citizens Adds Senators from the provinces 45 BC The enlarged Senate made him “Dictator for Life”
The Ides of March The new Senators and the people loved Caesar but the patricians did not, as he has taken away their power They accused him of wanting to be King! On March 15 th 44 BC while leaving the Senate Caesar was stabbed to death beneath Pompey’s statue
The Senate & People of Rome gave three men Octavian (Julius’ heir), Lepidus & the general Mark Anthony power to rule so they could to hunt down the assassins. But soon they fought amongst themselves… Octavian built up political power in Rome Lepidus was soon marginalized politically Mark Anthony went to Egypt where he got involved with the Queen Cleopatra 32 BC Octavian and the Senate declare war on the “Egyptianized” Anthony. Anthony is defeated at Sea at Actium
PAX AUGUSTA 27 BC – 14 AD 27 BC Senate votes to grants the Consular and Tribunal power to Octavian for life He become the first Emperor and is given the title: Augustus “Princeps” Augustus ruled for 41 years during which the Empire was peaceful stable and generally prosperous
Roman Law Augustus also established two law codes: Jus Civile: for citizens Jus Gentium: for others 212 AD citizenship was granted to all freeborn men in the empire and the Jus Civile was extended to all.
Roman Legal Principles Six lasting Principles of Roman Law are: 1.Rule of Law: No one is above the Law 2.All citizens are equal before the Law 3.That one is Innocent until proven Guilty 4.That unfair laws can be set aside 5.The burden of proof is on the accuser 6.S. P. Q. R. that the right to rule comes from the people