Emperor Trajan Roman Senator debating.  Republic – a government in which the people vote on representatives to run the government on their behalf.


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Presentation transcript:

Emperor Trajan Roman Senator debating

 Republic – a government in which the people vote on representatives to run the government on their behalf

 By 265 BCE, Rome controlled all of Italy ◦ Large military of citizen soldiers ◦ Imperialism – Establishing control over foreign lands/peoples ◦ Conquered lands became provinces ◦ Rome depended on riches gained from conquering people  As Rome expanded westward, came into contact & conflict with Carthage

 BCE. Rome vs. Carthage ◦ Carthage & Rome are equals  First war: Rome wins ◦ Captured Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia (trade)  Second war: Rome wins ◦ Carthage attack: Hannibal (Carthage) marches army into Italy from North, while Rome expects attack from South ◦ For 15 years, Hannibal’s army crushes Italy, but stopped at Rome.  Rome attacked N. Africa in 202 BCE, forcing Hannibal to return to defend his homeland. ◦ After this, Carthage no longer a threat to Rome.

 Third Punic War (149 BCE) ◦ Rome decides to destroy Carthage, with popular support. ◦ Rome defeats Carthage (146 BCE)  Kill or sell into slavery all survivors  Burn the harbor  Pour salt onto the farmland so nothing would ever grow  Rome is now top dog in the Mediterranean

 By 133 BCE, Rome extended from Spain to Egypt  Roman farmers fell into debt, due to influx of slaves & grain from conquered lands.  Attempts at government reform failed  Civil war ◦ Senate – in power ◦ Political/Military leaders – popular among people ◦ Bread and Circuses – used to control population  Military general Julius Caesar marches army on Rome, taking senate’s power away & forcing them to make him dictator for life

 Julius Caesar (44 BCE) ◦ Senate thought Julius wanted to be king ◦ Stabbed to death by the Senate, leading to another civil war.  Nephew Octavian takes over (renamed Augustus) ◦ Gave people jobs based on talent, not connections ◦ Took a census to collect better taxes (census = population count) ◦ Brings in 200 years of Roman Peace (Pax Romana) ◦ Republic comes to an end  Rome is now an EMPIRE ◦ Empire – a territory ruled by a single, supreme authority (not hereditary)