1 International Focus Group at TRL January 2002 by Robert Petts Evaluation Options - Rural Road Surfacing Intech Associates © Intech Associates. Extracts may be copied if the source is acknowledged
2 Need for more extensive evaluation of rural road surfacing options Traditional approach to surfacing selection based mainly on lowest initial cost – assuming maintenance will be funded and organised Intech Associates Now there is a need to consider more carefully:- 1. Maintenance arrangements 2. Comparison of Whole Life Costs of Surface Options 3. Socio-economic and environmental issues
3 Will Maintenance be achieved? Key Questions:- Who owns the road Is somebody responsible for maintenance? Are there adequate funds for maintenance on a regular and guaranteed basis? Is there a credible resourced and motivated maintenance organisation in place? Are the key stakeholders properly represented? Intech Associates
4 Bear in mind the World Bank’s advice:- “The evidence is abundant that satisfactory basic (maintenance) systems can seldom be established in less than fifteen to twenty years and that help may still be needed thereafter to deal with expansions of maintenance workload and to avoid retrogression.” The Road Maintenance Problem and International Assistance, World Bank, December Intech Associates
5 Rural Road Network – Example Annual Funding Required Intech Associates
6 Example Whole Life Costs – Short Haul Scenario Intech Associates
7 Example Whole Life Costs – Long Haul Scenario Intech Associates
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11 Develop National Policy on Rural Road Surfacing Make Realistic Appraisal of Maintenance Regime Make National standards, arrangements for rural road construction & maintenance, & quality assurance compatible Integrate Surfacing Considerations into IRAP Approach Make Surface designs more location-specific Use spot improvements in resource constrained situations (earth standard plus drainage & structures for basic access) Use gravel only where shown to be appropriate Strategies for providing the RIGHT surface - I Intech Associates
12 Reduce maintenance liabilities to manageable levels Further research and trials to be organised to refine technical, organisational, economic, socio-economic knowledge of alternative surfacing options Develop supporting documentation & guidelines for Surfacing Options Involve stakeholders in surfacing selection & agreeing maintenance responsibilities Organise Demonstration and Awareness Creation Programme for wider adoption of Appropriate Surfaces Develop Regional Cooperation on Surfacing Issues …………Are there other strategies to be considered? Strategies for providing the RIGHT surface - II Intech Associates
13 Provide adequate earthworks, camber, drainage and structures for basic access if resources are severely constrained Earth Road for Basic Access Intech Associates Roads 2000, Kenya Access Roads, Cambodia
14 Gravel / Laterite is a “Low cost – High Maintenance Surface” Use it with care! Remember……….. Intech Associates
15 The Right Surface Contributes to The Way Ahead Intech Associates