5 th Six Weeks Exam Review
Questions for your 5 th six weeks exam will be taken from these questions. The exam will be 53 questions long Not all of these questions will appear on the exam
The Skeletal and Muscular System Questions 19-25
Yes it does this No, this is the circulatory system
provides support digests, absorbs, eliminates moves materials around gets oxygen in & carbon dioxide out
What does bone marrow do? It makes red blood cells
No, this is the circulatory system No, this is the excretory system Yes, it provides a framework No, this is the digestive system
What can you get directly from the chart? No, doesn’t say that yes no
What is a skeletal muscle? yes No, it reacts and tires quickly No, it is voluntary No, that is smooth muscle
No, movement can’t happen that way Yes, they work in opposite pairs No, the body isn’t set up this way
The Circulatory System Questions 10-18
What does the heart supply to the body? No, not possible yes No, blood pressure is increased No, these are skeletal muscles
What do red blood cells do? Yes This is done by the immune system This is done by ducts This is done by the endocrine system
Which of these are given off by cells? No, the cell needs oxygen Yes, both of theses are wastes No, the cell needs nutrients No, the cell needs oxygen
Yes No, red blood cells carry oxygen No, the cell needs oxygen No, plasma is the liquid part of the blood
This is a function This is the endocrine system
Which body system carries materials around the body? yes digests food filters blood brings oxygen in and carbon dioxide out
Which body system carries materials around the body? this system is for movement this system is for digestion this system is for moving oxygen this system makes hormones
The Respiratory System Questions 13-26
Remember what alveoli do. They allow oxygen to pass into the blood and carbon dioxide to pass out of the blood.
Alveoli are part of the respiratory system The capillaries are part of the circulatory system
What is the process called when oxygen comes into the body and carbon dioxide is taken out.
This is the structure that has very thin walls that let the oxygen and carbon dioxide pass into and out of the blood.
This is the structure that carries oxygen in the blood.
Where does our oxygen come from?
What do nose hairs do for us?
What system is this? The respiratory system What does it do?
Which answer is true based on the info in the chart? No, it has more oxygen and less carbon dioxide yes No, it has contains less carbon dioxide No, same nitrogen but less carbon dioxide
What system are alveoli in? respiratory What system are capillaries in? circulatory
yes No, this is digestive system yes
Yes, respiratory brings it in, circulatory transports it No, circulatory transports it, nervous controls the body No, respiratory brings it indigestive system digests food No, digestive system digests, nervous controls the body
The Digestive System Questions 27-35
respiratory digestive
The mitochondria provide energy, the cell membrane allows things to pass through, the lysosomes get rid of waste. Which system does these things?
The Integumentary System Questions 12-19
epidermis dermis subcutaneous layer muscle
What makes sweat?
yes No, skeletal system yes
The Excretory System Questions 13-17
yes, urine yes, sweat yes, carbon dioxide no, makes insulin
The Nervous System Questions 20-26
The Endocrine System Questions 4-8
The Reproductive System Questions 4-7
Elements and Compounds Power Point questions Questions 19-26
Elements of Life Power Point Questions Questions 25-30
Physical & Chemical Changes Power Point Questions Questions 25-31
Transformation of Energy Through Digestion Questions 6-11
Glucose Model Questions 6-9