What Makes a Good Pizza? The Important Components to Pizza Crust
Flour Flour provides the structure in baked goods. Gluten- Is the protein structure that is found in flour.
Yeast Living microorganism until it is destroyed by heat. As yeast grows and multiplies it gives off carbon dioxide which causes the dough to rise.
Sugar Adds sweetness and flavor to baked goods. Adding sugar to yeast will feed the yeast and help it begin producing gas. This gas will help the dough rise.
Water Water adds moistness and texture to baked goods. The steam cell in the yeast will increase the final amount of dough.
Salt Salt enhances the flavor and sweetness of the baked good. With yeast the salt adds in the fermentation process. Fermentation- Converting sugar to gas. The fermentation process allows the yeast to activate.
Oil or Margarine Adds tenderness and moisture. Fat is what makes the baked good taste good. Fats in a baked good enhance the overall flavor.
Cornmeal Prevents sticking of the dough to the pizza pan.